Here’s to eeking out a last-minute thankful post. It’s been a crazy week, a crazier weekend and while I’ve been too busy and sleep deprived to think about what I’m thankful for, I realize that these are the moments in life that are the exactly perfect times in which to be thankful. So here goes.
(I’m rushing. Forgive me. Linkie closes in 16 minutes.)
We returned from Tucker’s birthday vacation this week and while it’s been crazy busy catching up, I am thankful that my husband let me sleep in today, that we caught up on two True Blood episodes last night and that our crappy decision to not take Tucker to Urgent Care for a huge chin-split has been sortof okay.
We both knew that he needed to go. It was almost 9pm, and we’d just finished having an amazing time at the beach. There’s something magical about beach-time just before sunset that is so much calmer and more beautiful than beach-time during hot, sunny, crowded afternoons. We’d wound it up and were rinsing the sand from our bodies at the showers on the boardwalk. Tucker got majorly excited about the water spray, jumped up in glee, pivoted, then slipped and crashed. He landed on his chin. Of course, combined with the water, there was blood everywhere and we couldn’t really tell how bad his cut was. As we were in a foreign land (Outer Banks, North Carolina which, when it comes to known medical care, may as well have been a foreign land) and the idea of him needing stitches (which, in hindsight, I’d say he did) versus the likely horror of nurses and doctors forcing his head to remain still to inspect his wound while he screamed and ground his baby teeth to nubs made me feel like the biggest meanie…so, instead of braving urgent care, we went to Rite Aid and bought a bunch of hydrogen peroxide, bandaids, and Neosporin. While we probably should have braved urgent care, we skipped it. I’m thankful that, for the first time in my newly-four-year-old’s four-year life that he has tolerated wearing a bandaid.
I’m thankful that scars are sexy on grown men. And that his will tell a story of a “happy to you, me!” day at the beach later on.
I’m thankful for organic bug repellent (although granola friends, if you have a better solution than the non-deet stuff that only sortof works, I’d love to hear it).
While this is not a list-list, I’m pretty sure that, once again, there are at least 10 things here that I’m thankful for. Plus, look at what my new camera can do:
I’m thankful for my new camera and the fact that I captured a liminal moment in my son’s life. That he’ll see it later.

I’m thankful that Tucker is laughing at pouring water down his dad’s pants. That’s imaginative play right?
What are you thankful for?

by Kristi Campbell
Joy - Sunny has the exact same chin split! I guess it is a normal thing to have for every growing boy! Glad everything healed okay without going to the ER. BTW, his was glued and not stitched because Sunny would freak out if he ever needed stitches without anaesthesia!
Your new camera takes awesome pics! Which one is it?
I love your not-really-a-list list!! <3July 15, 2013 – 4:15 am
Out One Ear - Your list is FAR better than mine. I thought about it, but didn’t get one done. So you, again, are my hero. Happy Sunday Evening!July 15, 2013 – 5:01 am
Jak - ACK! You are stealing my late entry thunder! What gives >.< I was supposed to get the prize for posting last. Though, looks like there were a handful between you and I. I will be more sneaky next time.
Sorry to hear about Tucker's mishap 🙁 That looks like it hurt. I know there is one post before this (I think) does it explain what happened? I won't get to it until tomorrow, but that is the plan. Hope the lil guy is doing better.
Cool that you like True Blood (did we discuss this briefly… I feel we may have). I have only seen the pilot episode, but plan to watch it all at some point.
No idea on a decent organic bug repellent. Odd thing, these last few BBQs I've been attending I have avoided using bug spray, and I almost have no issues, while those using it still do. I found that interesting.
Looks like there was plenty of fun beach time and I think you got some pictures that captured the moment 😉 I like the one he is about to dump water on his dad personally lol
Have a great week! Less stress and blood please!
Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkJuly 15, 2013 – 5:02 am
Janine Huldie - Kristi, can so relate to the chin gash, because Emma had this happen to her this past winter. She and Lily were happily playing and chasing each other, when Emma fell and hit her chin into the partition in front of my parents fireplace. It was bleeding so much and couldn’t truly tell how bad it was. I also opted not to take her to urgent care, because I was fearful of stitches and her reaction of having to be held down. Thankfully it wasn’t as bad as it appeared at first, but still I remember that split second decision and that knot in my throat when it happened. Just glad all ended up Ok for Tucker, too. And looks like the vacation was a success and the love pictures you took (a great camera makes all the difference!).July 15, 2013 – 8:07 am
Sarah | LeftBrainBuddha - Great pictures! I hope Tucker’s chin is recovering okay…. and I get it about not wanting to do urgent care, especially so late at night!July 15, 2013 – 8:29 am
Kristi Campbell - Joy,
I think you are right and it is probably just a normal little-boy injury (still scary but I guess it’s common). The camera is a Fujifilm X20. I really love it. It’s very easy to use and takes great photos even for people like me who don’t know much about photography.
I like the one where he’s about to dump water down his dad’s pants, too. And yes, True Blood is one of my favorite shows. I don’t watch much TV but indulge in True Blood, Dexter, Homeland, The Newsroom, Nurse Jackie and a few others.
Interesting that you had less issues wearing no bugspray…huh.
Sorry to hear that Emma had the same injury! Yikes. I guess it’s a normal right of passage – still – blood on our babies just sucks.
He’s doing well, thanks!
—July 15, 2013 – 8:46 am
Kenya G. Johnson - Awwww. I flinched at his chin accident as I imagine any mom would. Poor baby, but yes he will have a sexy chin when he grows up! Beautiful pics. LOL to him pouring water down Robert’s shorts. He’s a good dad 😉July 15, 2013 – 9:00 am
Kristi Campbell - Kenya,
Yeah, Robert put up with Tucker pouring water down his shorts for quite a while. I didn’t get up to help because – duh, I didn’t want water down my swimsuit too!
—July 15, 2013 – 9:39 am
Kerri - I love the pictures of Tucker, well except his boo boo. But he seemed to have a great time in the sand. And yes, scars are wicked sexy 🙂July 15, 2013 – 9:58 am
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - MY SON SPLIT HIS CHIN OPEN IN NEARLY THE SAME PLACE. He was about 8 and we were in the wave pool at a water park. When I finally figured out where the blood was coming from (it was a little further under his chin than Tucker’s gash), I could see the bone, so we were off to the ER for, thankfully, glue and not stitches. Glad you were able to patch Tucker up without having to endure an ER visit!
Love your beachy pics, especially of Tucker pouring water down Dad’s pants. ABSOLUTELY creative play. (Next time, give him ice water from the cooler – tee hee!).July 15, 2013 – 10:39 am
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - Oh, and Jak, better luck next week on being the last entry! Now give Kristi back the trophy!July 15, 2013 – 10:41 am
Dani Ryan - Oh no! I’m glad Tucker is okay! I am with you on avoiding the whole doctor/hospital visit when possible. My daughter sprained her ankle in gymnastics on Valentine’s Day (while my husband was flat on his back after being rushed to the ER via ambulance for a back injury 2 days before), and ever since she will not let me put medicine in her mouth (because I had to squirt Advil in her mouth with a bunch of nurses helping me that day) and she refuses to eat popsicles (because a nurse gave us a popsicle while we were in the waiting room). Totally scarred the poor kid. And now sicknesses are horrible because I have to get medicine made into suppositories (and there’s only ONE pharmacy in this city who makes them, and they take 24 hours to make) and when she’s not drinking, popsicles aren’t an easy fix to avoid dehydration.
Shoot. I just took your blog post and made it about me. Whoops!
Love the pic of Tucker pouring water down your husband’s pants. Too funny!July 15, 2013 – 12:29 pm
Muses from the deep - You guys look as though you’ve had a fabulous vacation!July 15, 2013 – 2:48 pm
Muses from the deep - And btw, AWESOME PICS!July 15, 2013 – 2:48 pm
clark - hey excellent camera…
the other photos… Tucker does seem to be enjoying the fun of cuts and scrapes (once the initial surprise-excitment has died down*) lol
I agree with you on the late day ocean thing (with pre-day being a close second, that same Charlton Heston-feel to it.)
As always, I enjoyed your Post.July 15, 2013 – 2:49 pm
christine - Oh, those chin injuries are bleeders. As a mom who has been to the ER and urgent care more times than I can count, you made the right call. We have two kids who have had the same injury, and both have scars, despite one with stitches and one without. As young as he is, it will fade into near oblivion.
A great camera is always something for which to be grateful. Goodbye bad photos!
Evening at the beach is my favorite time to go. (Just did a few days ago on our own vacation!) Plus, it’s the best time for taking photos, too!
Glad you got your post in on time!July 15, 2013 – 4:02 pm
Lizzi Rogers - HAH! Substantial my foot! Look at what it encompasses – parents making sure their little boy’s safe and well (and calm) having overcome a shocking bad accident while spending wonderful time with him, making awesome memories and enriching his childhood. And caring enough to document it with photographs.
And no small amount of true dedication to the hop for getting this in there! I hereby award you 20 Awesome Points.
You rock 🙂July 15, 2013 – 4:10 pm
Dana - Scars are sexy on grown men, as are bald spots on the back of the scalp where there were staples to close a toddler head wound. Right?July 15, 2013 – 8:19 pm
Lisa @ The Golden spoons - Poor little guy!!! Always stinks when someone gets sick or hurt on vacation. I’m usually the one who panics and thinks they need to go to the ER and hubby is the one who just wants to slap on a little Neosporin and keep going! 🙂July 16, 2013 – 4:25 pm
Courtney - I am glad you had a wonderful break! What kind of camera did you get? Do you love it? Enjoy all of the moments you will capture and welcome home!July 16, 2013 – 6:34 pm
Stephanie @ Mommy, for real. - Your new camera is so awesome. OK, now that that is out of the way- poor you! And poor, brave Tucker! I am glad you made the right call- stitches and Urgent Care would have been miserable for him. I’m so glad it turned out okay, but I feel so bad for you! That is so stressful! It looks like your beach time was not totally ruined by the bad owie, though, so that’s good. xoJuly 16, 2013 – 6:42 pm
Jhanis - Glad to hear the little man is okay, my son has a scar right in the middle of his forehead, makes him look like he’s got third eye 😀July 17, 2013 – 1:56 am
Jen - I don’t know why I just saw this! I think you did the right thing. The last thing you needed to do was be in a foreign land. You know what? If they aren’t dying I say stay away from any place you can get MERSA. So right on sister!July 18, 2013 – 8:26 pm
Molley@A Mother Life - Miss Gremlin did the exact same split in the library at school! 4 stitches in case you’re wondering and 3 1/2 hours in the ER. Hope it heals ok and does pop again. I know steristrips work well on those kinds of wounds.
Glad Tucker is happy and well in spite of it all. 20, 2013 – 10:02 pm
instant medical care - Hi there! great post. Thanks for sharing a very interesting and informative content, it is a big help to me and to others as well, keep it up!July 23, 2013 – 12:51 am