Late last night, I was on Facebook chat with some of my peeps (thank you, Clark and Rich for your reassuring words and thank you Rachel and Terrye for being wonderful friends – and although I wasn’t DM’ing Kerri, I was likely texting her so thanks there, too…). Anyway, the Famous Richard Rumple, of That’s Life…Sometimes (if you don’t know him, check him out as he’s hilarious) was making me laugh hysterically at 1am. I mentioned that I had this post to do and asked if he’d like to do it for me. Holy shit. Dude said yes! So here is this week’s 10 Things of Thankful by Richard Rumple:
So, I’m flabbergasted.
The magnificent Kristi, of Finding Ninee, has requested that I step in as a guest blogger for her listing of Ten Things I’m Thankful For this week.
I think that’s the title. Let’s be real, it’s 1:04 a.m., I just worked an eleven hour day in the 90 degree heat, and I’m an old fart that should be counting sheep.
No, Kristi, I’m not in love with sheep. I said, “Counting” sheep. Geesh!
*editor commentary:*
I wonder, “Does Kristi really know what she’s in for, asking me to do this for a Sunday posting?” Doesn’t she know that I may be a little “extreme” for this audience?
Oh well, you weren’t looking to gain any more followers today, anyway, were you?
The things I do for a younger woman!
And, regardless of your thoughts, I’m not a pedophile or a dirty old man! Okay, okay, so I’m not a pedophile!
Anyway, enough with the vividly astonishing intro, which was totally unnecessary, but added because I really don’t have the first idea as to what I’m thankful for. Okay, now for the tough part!
10 Things I’m Thankful For
1) I’m thankful that I gave my Superintendent of Schools the “Soul” handshake after receiving my high school diploma. He was shocked, and fought to make it a normal handshake. Yet, being young and halfway in shape, I grabbed his hand in my own way, held on, and had my graduation picture demonstrating that I would not stand for conventional routines and traditions. I was a rebel, even though I had been Student Body President. If I had conformed then, I probably would have conformed all my life and made something boring out of myself. I shudder to think!
2) I’m thankful that we have Saran Wrap that doesn’t cling to itself. I fought that sh*t for years, usually giving up and becoming a pro at wrapping waxed paper. I do remember a time myself and two others wrapped a sleeping friend in it (only up to the shoulders so we didn’t kill him). That taught him never to get drunk and pass out when we were around. You should’ve seen him hopping to the bathroom the next morning to take a pee!
3) I’m thankful that we have consistently had terrible presidents for the last thirty years, that have allowed Congress to ruin our great country. At least we have someone to blame for the mess we’re in!
4) I’m thankful that “Jenny 867-5309” & “Mickey” are seldom played on the radio any longer. God, enough is enough!!! Now if we could just get them to stop playing that “Gang Bang ‘Em” Korean song, we could all sit back and relax!
“Hey Gang Bang ‘Em
you’re so fine
come on over and toot a line,
call Jenny at 867-5309,
Hey, Mickey, coke‘s sticky!”
5) I’m thankful that Miley Cyrus has pretty much left the Hannah Montana charade behind. Now, people can see her for the spoiled brat slut she really is! (Okay, I know that one’s gonna bring on the flack! Please, go see her parents about it instead of me. You can find them in a couple of different locations since they’re no longer together!)
6) I’m thankful that zippers were invented. The older I get, the more I get to experience the pleasure of a quick zipper at the urinal. Besides, even the Navy gave up button up pants long ago when it was discovered men can’t sew buttons back on worth a damn! “What’s wrong with pink thread, dude?”
God, is it ten, yet? “Almost, Rich. Hang in there, Rich. We know you can do it, Rich.”
7) I’m thankful that reality TV has found a new reality show that demonstrates hillbillies can chase local monsters and legends. “Mountain Monsters” is the competitor to “Ghosthunters” in this department. It kind of reminds you of “The Beverly Hillbillies meet the Wolfman” or “The Real Monsters of Deliverence.” Anything to keep Honey Boo Boo from getting more attention is okay in my book, regardless of how moronic the program actually is.
8) I’m thankful that rap music was discovered. It provides an opportunity for the musically handicapped to make money in the music industry while being unable to carry a tune!
“Don’t make fun of rap, ain’t just music crap
gonna give you a slap, bitch sit in my lap.
Don’t make much sense, cuz yo just damn dense
always takin’ offense, with yo crotch caught in the fence.
Yo, we luv our rappin’, like blunt caused nappin’
don’t keep us down, we wearin’ the rap crown!
Peace Out!”
9) I’m thankful that beef is finally being proven to be unhealthy for you. I told my mother for years that liver was unhealthy! She’d only reply, “Only if you don’t eat it after I cooked it?” Can’t you feel the love?
10) And, finally (you say), I’m thankful for good friends like Kristi that gamble decades of effort in building a tremendous blog and a loyal blog following on an extreme blogger like myself that really doesn’t believe in holding back for the Politically Correct crowd. She has more guts than most, and more love in her heart for her family than half the PC crowd added together. And, I’m not just saying that because she was hot when she was younger (What happened, anyway, Kristi?)
*editor commentary:*
So, those are just a few things I’m thankful for. If you actually hung in there and read this, I have tremendous respect for your endurance levels. May you live a long and wonderful life, and be thankful that Kristi will probably never have me back so you won’t have to go through this again!
I told you Rich is freaking hilarious. All words are his so if you’re one of the freaky weirdos who wants to stick up for Miley, go do so on That’s Life…Sometimes. Although I’d like to hear why you like her, too.
PS – I actually usually do write my own thankful lists. In case you’re new here…

by Kristi Campbell
clark - genuine lol (last photo/line)July 21, 2013 – 11:15 am
Kristi Campbell - Clark,
And here I expected you to be a little bit jealous. Oh well.July 21, 2013 – 11:18 am
clark - …now that I have stopped laughing. Isn’t it…. disturbing that many year after the last photo was taken (“Kristi! you shouldn’t you’ll never know what will become of that impetuous picture, imagine what someone with a photo editor might do with it!”)
Now we all know and recognize the uncanny foresight you displayed back or…what was it 5 or 6 years ago?
Rich, I love his list is at once sincere and heartfelt …irreverent and hilarious
nice work you twoJuly 21, 2013 – 11:20 am
Kristi Campbell - Clark,
Ha I wish it was 5 or 6 years ago. And yes, I must have been quite wise back in those youthful days. Certainly I had the foresight to know I’d need this photo and was in fact, not just an asshole rebel.
I love his list too. And he did it in 53 minutes. It took me longer to put it here and draw stupid-looking sheep pictures.July 21, 2013 – 11:24 am
Janine Huldie - Should had Rich do mine, too!! Seriously, he never ceases to amaze me and you are right Kristi, he is hilarious!! 🙂July 21, 2013 – 11:24 am
MM - Great list, made me laugh! 🙂July 21, 2013 – 11:35 am
Kristi Campbell - Janine,
I never thought he’d say yes! How awesome is it that he did??
🙂 You should visit Rich’s site. He really is always this funny.
—July 21, 2013 – 12:01 pm
Jean - I’m not necessarily going to stick up for Miley but whenever I see a young celeb going off the deep end, I think back to when I was that age and how stupid I acted. I am endlessly grateful that social media did not exist back then or that my every move was recorded and publicized.
I hope social media disappears by the time my kids are in their teens!July 21, 2013 – 12:03 pm
Kristi Campbell - Jean,
You’re right. I was really young and stupid too and thank God I wasn’t a celebrity with cameras all around me all the time! Good point!July 21, 2013 – 12:17 pm
zoe - Very funny! And I suspect sincere which makes it even funnier! Thanks for stopping at my site and directing me here and to Richard’s site…July 21, 2013 – 1:06 pm
Terrye - Thank you for the shout out, Kristi. But I have to give you a ration of shit. 😉 my website is
The one you have linked goes to a “website not found.” I’m thinkin’ ya don’t really like. me. 😀
Rich, nicely done. You actually, mostly, behaved yourself! 😀July 21, 2013 – 1:23 pm
Considerer - Heyyyy! I see what you did here 😀
I loved this (you sneaky thing!) and Rich’s 10 are hysterical! I definitely want more of them joined in at some point (though on his site – you do your own dirty work, missy! 😉 ) and I loved the pictures you added – nothing like a touch of the vaguely Welsh atmosphere in a sheep picture…thanks for that :p
Clark – I gotcha. Genuine LOL from me, too XDJuly 21, 2013 – 1:32 pm
christine - Oh my word, Kristi, that is hilarious that you got Rich to do this post for you. Hilarious and brave. Your photos are perfect additions, of course. The photo at the end? Brilliant!
If only I could get rid of 867-5309 so easily. There is a plumber who actually got that number for the business and does the song in their commercial. It is on all the time around here.
And now I have to go to Rich’s site. Last I heard he was taking a blog break, and no posts have shown up on my reader. Arg.July 21, 2013 – 1:35 pm
Cyndi - Taking a study break to come over and read. One more week of school and then I can blog again, yippee!
Loved Rich’s entry – he’s one funny, sarcastic dude, lol. Have a great weekend!July 21, 2013 – 1:46 pm
A Pleasant House - Much love and respect to both of you. Kristi- for being a warrior woman for her son, and to my adored Richard for NOT being PC. You two are a great team! XXXOOOJuly 21, 2013 – 1:56 pm
clark - (but I am totally jealous! lol)
But it is that jealous when (lets use a musical instrument metaphor! ..ok! lets!)
if i have a guitar and play something and then I hand it to another person and they play something similar that is totally on another level… I do not give up on playing guitar!* Because we are dealing with a common interment… even the same context (to continue the metaphor) but I recognize in your stuff here…a way of expressing an idea that I have not (yet) attained the capacity for… the warmth beneath the edge or something like that….plus you gave the perfect** accompaniment to Rich’s ‘lead’
*when I get home alone with that guitar I will give it dirty looks, how could you!
** what you added took clever and made it better you know, like for this post you were Mitch Mitchell lolJuly 21, 2013 – 2:50 pm
Rich Rumple - OMG, you actually posted this!!! lol You have a bigger set than King Kong did before Fay Wray cut ’em off! (OMG, you borrowed them from her…amazing!) Your drawing and photo message worked out exceptionally well. Of course, anything could have helped my drab piece. I was trying to be good, but my “bad boy” image slipped through a couple of times. And look at all the people who are still your friends! (I’m curious as to how many are no longer your friends, though!) I’m amazed at all the good comments. People really must like you a lot. Either that, or they’re going, “Okay, she screwed up this time by having Rich here. We forgive her. She’s normally a very intelligent person.” Next time, I’ll know better than to talk to a person at one o’clock in the morning when I’m still wired and they’re procrastinating writing a blog due the next day! lol Thanks for having me, my friend, and thanks to all that commented kindly!July 21, 2013 – 4:12 pm
Stephanie @ Life, Unexpectedly - Agreed on no. 5, even though I get sick whenever I see this person ANYWHERE.
What’s the soul handshake? Sorry, I’m German!! And a girl. My greatest fear was to fall with my brand-new heels on wood floor on my way to accepting the diploma, I didn’t have the time or energy to think up pranks for the principal; I was, however, a rebel by wearing a bright pink hair piece 😉
I feel with you. My mom forced me to eat liver fricasee in a gravy with carrots and instant mashed potatoes. The fact that I still remember that should be proof enough how serious the trauma is *I’m a pescetarian now’.
Oh, and I would have loved to see the wrapped up friend hopping to the urinal. epic. I assume there are no video tapes of that!July 21, 2013 – 4:15 pm
Rachel Demas - I’m thankful Kristi is my friend, and that she had the genius idea to invite Rich to guest post! You two make a great combo. I’ve died and gone to bloggy heaven!July 21, 2013 – 6:05 pm
Kristi Campbell - Zoe,
I suspect totally sincere as well. Plus, he gets points for writing it at 1am. Serious huge points.
I ADORE YOU and I suck for mucking it up. It’s fixed (hanging head in shame).
You know some sheep herders like that, do ya? Ha! And yeah, stay tuned for how I do thankful next week! (drum roll)
I know, I can’t believe he said yes! Seriously, we were on Facebook chat and I just threw it out there “Want to do it for me?” And he SAID YES! How awesome is that? Haha to a local plumber using that song and phone number for real. Wow, annoying and probably genius. And yeah, he’s back and better than ever. I hear his feed isn’t working…
—July 21, 2013 – 6:44 pm
Kristi Campbell - Cyndi,
Best of luck with the studying – I hope it goes really well! YAY to only one more week and yes, Rich is one awesomely funny dude.
A Pleasant House,
Aw. Thank you so much!
OK WAIT – AM I THE GUITAR because that might be kindof gross. And OH cool – can’t wait to hear about your idea!
—July 21, 2013 – 6:47 pm
Kristi Campbell - Rich,
Of course (!!!) (DUH) I used it. In addition to it being really much better than my own list would have been this week, it’s awesome and hilarious and just plain perfect. Plus, it allowed me to draw a photo of you dreaming of a sheep in lipstick and a bow AND say “Gravity happened, Bitch!” How could I not use it? Thanks so much for allowing me to pilfer your awesomeness and post your words here. I’ll let you know how many people unsubscribe (they won’t – because you’re awesome).
Shudder to the liver your mom made you eat – nobody should have to eat liver, ever. And the soul handshake is like one of those fancy handshakes where you clasp hands differently (cooler) than the formal handshake. Does that make sense?
—-July 21, 2013 – 6:50 pm
Lori Lavender Luz - Lolling!
You two make a great word/image team. As good together as sheep and gravity.July 21, 2013 – 7:05 pm
Jessica - Thanks for the laugh, Rich! Especially the Saran Wrap part. 🙂July 21, 2013 – 9:58 pm
Maggie Amada - I kind of like Miley Cyrus. She’s cute and entertained my nieces for years. That’s worth a lot.
Enjoyed this list because it made me smile. Smiles are also worth a lot.July 21, 2013 – 11:30 pm
Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - It’s my opinion that saran wrap that doesn’t stick to itself doesn’t stick to anything else, either. But what do I know? I’M JUST A HILLBILLY WITHOUT A REALITY SHOW 🙂
I suffered through my daughter’s Hannah Montana phase and am happy to report that she does NOT like the new and improved Miley Cyrus. Whew!July 22, 2013 – 12:17 am
Sarah Almond - I’ve gotta get on the Thankful Wagon! That’s all there is to it! Must.clear.schedule. Thanks for all the laughs Rich! HA HA!July 22, 2013 – 2:12 am
karen - hey Richard…great post, honest and hysterical. off to check out your blog now…July 22, 2013 – 6:36 am
Tracie - I’m thankful for a Monday morning laugh…and on my way to go meet Richard officially.July 22, 2013 – 9:52 am
Kerri - I was a little nervous when I saw that Rich was guest posting. I thought for sure he would deviate from his norm, trying to be PC. I am so thankful he didn’t 🙂July 22, 2013 – 11:22 am
Jen - I want Rich to write my blog! HELLO! You just can’t fight funny. Cause it’s funny. I really needed a good laugh, and am so glad Rich isn’t PC. I think I need to hang with that guy.July 22, 2013 – 1:09 pm
Katia Bishofs - I’m thankful that awesome Kristi let awesome Rich write her post on Sunday at 1.04 am and that awesome Rich wrote such a “uniquely him” post and made me laugh so hard along with awesome Kristi’s illustrations and editor notes at 12:31pm on Monday. Thank you, guys!July 22, 2013 – 4:32 pm
Jak - ACK! Cheater >.< What the ball nuts?!
*Runs around Chicken Little style*
Cheater cheater cheater!July 22, 2013 – 7:26 pm
Jak - Okay, I’m back, Kristi.
Interesting tactic. I will have to remember it 😉 I don’t care what all the others say, you’re one smart cookie. (and not too shabby once Gravity took hold)
Depending on how the friend was wrapped up, I would have probably been set into a panic attack when waking up to that, and that would have been before I knew what Dexter was!
You may be pleased to know that I think Miley Cyrus’s parents are possibly attempting to give it another go!
It’s just best I don’t mention the sheep.
Thanks for guest posting on the TToT, Rich, but now your soul belongs to the hop. That’s right! This was all a trap! See you next week on your blog! Muahahaha!
Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkJuly 22, 2013 – 7:44 pm
Joy - This guy and his TToT list are freaking hilarious!! Good job, Rich!July 23, 2013 – 2:38 am
Out One Ear - What fun to hear a man’s perspective. I chuckled all the way through his list. Thanks for introducing us to Rich.July 23, 2013 – 6:16 am
Kenya G. Johnson - Hangs head in shame. Mickey is in my iTunes workout playlist now. What’s worse, it hasn’t BEEN there. I just bought it about a month ago. It makes me act a fool and get a better workout in. Also I do this in the privacy of my own living room. Love #1July 24, 2013 – 10:46 am
Joy - Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for an award! 25, 2013 – 6:16 am
Suzanne A. Lucas - Thanks for the great list, Rich. Terrible presidents. Check. Zippers. Check. Unhealthy beef. Huh? Nooooooo! What about bacon? Is bacon OK?August 5, 2013 – 3:39 pm