“I hope he’s a twin,” I said. My husband laughed and looked at me like I was crazy.
I know that much of my little boy’s infancy would’ve been harder, my nights more sleepless and my boobs more sore, but sometimes, I wish my son were a twin. As a mama of “advanced maternal age,” with “AMA” stamped all over her paperwork during doctor’s visits, I knew that this boy of mine would likely be my only.
For me, he’s enough.
For him though, I sometimes wish he were a twin. He’d have somebody to play with when I don’t feel like learning (more about) Minecraft or having a plastic sword fight.
Why am I telling you about wishing that my son were a twin?
I’m doing a book review of Multiples Illuminated that has an exclusive, never-before-seen contributing author interview with the fabulous Allie Smith!
Yup, Allie Smith (visit her site at The Latchkey Mom) gave me an exclusive interview. I know, right?
Allie and I met in the blogging/writing community and have had the pleasure of meeting in real life not once, but twice (she probably felt she couldn’t say no to my request for an interview, but I’m okay with that).

Tucker’s hand on his arm and the look on his face? Says “Audrey, you’re mine very please??” (but EWWWW GIRLS)
About Multiples Illuminated: A Collection of Stories and Advice From Parents of Twins, Triplets and More (an anthology edited by Megan Woolsey and Allison Lee)
Multiples Illuminated is a compelling collection of stories from writers and parents of multiples, as well as expert advice that is a must-have for all parents and grandparents of multiples. It dives deep into the world of raising multiples with beautiful stories and helpful advice. In it, you will find essays on infertility help and hope; finding out and coping with a multiples pregnancy; stories of labor and delivery; stories from the NICU; breastfeeding best practices for multiples; and surviving the infant and toddler stages.
Some of the essays made me cry. While reading others, I laughed out loud. Even if you’re not expecting multiples, the parenting tales are universal and relatable (plus multiple babies are fascinating). The editors did an amazing job compiling the each author’s story in an order that flows well and makes you want to keep reading.
And now, for the exclusive, never-before-seen contributing author interview with the fabulous Allie Smith!
Visit Allie’s website at The Latchkey Mom
When you first found out that you were having twins, what was your reaction?
Complete shock! I’d experienced some spotting, and with it being my first pregnancy, I freaked out. I went to the doctor (Rich was out of town), and they did a blood test. Then they said they wanted to do an ultrasound, which made me nervous. Little did I know that the blood test had indicated elevated hormone levels, which probably meant twins. During the ultrasound, I remember the nurse saying, “See there’s the baby’s heartbeat – you’re fine.” Then she moved the ultrasound wand and said, “And here’s the heartbeat of the other baby.” I giggled, felt relief that all was well, and then the shock set in.
What was the hardest part about infant twins?
The work load! Double the bottles, diapers and worry.
Did the boys comfort one another or sleep at different times?
Honesty, they were so premature, even when they came home after seven weeks in the hospital, they slept a lot. It was hard to keep them awake for feedings. Once we got our groove, and kept to a schedule, they slept at the same time. They did like to spoon each other. I hope my son Hunter doesn’t see this.
What was the best part about infant twins?
Double the love. You just can’t believe that there are two of them and your heart always feels like it’s going to explode.
What’s the best part now?
That they can dress themselves? They’re fifteen and moody as hell, so this is hard to answer. Because of Barrett’s autism, they don’t really seem like twins to me anymore. They’re in different grades and they go to different schools and participate in different activities. They are two separate individuals.
Do they have a special language the way you hear some twins do?
No, we didn’t have that – but remember, Bear didn’t speak until he was five?!
Ok so this is weird but something I’ve always wondered about – when they were infants, if you breastfed, could you put one on each boob?? Is that a thing? (sorry).
When they were in the NICU, I double breastfed one time – with a nurse’s help. The boys were born at thirty weeks and really had trouble breastfeeding. Latching on was hard and they had acid reflux so feeding in general was difficult. I pumped for six months and fed them breastmilk from the bottle.
(Kristi’s side-note: um so that was a little disappointing as I used to think about how I’d rock double breast-feeding when my son was an infant and yes I am maybe a little weird)
What’s the one piece of advice you’d give a worried pregnant multiples-to-be mama?
Quit worrying. Worrying won’t solve anything – it’s too late now. Just kidding. It’ll all be fine, it usually is. Ask for help. And keep the faith that you’ll get through it. My biggest mistake was that I thought I didn’t need or want help. Because I didn’t get to take care of my boys until they were almost two months old, I was selfish. I wanted them all to myself. I was desperate to bond with them and jealous of the nurses at the hospital. I wasn’t quite myself and scared, but I didn’t want anyone to know that. I wanted to prove I could do it all. I was an anxious mess, truth be told. Perhaps I’m not the right person to give advice…
What else would you like people to know?
Find another multiples momma to commiserate with. One of my friends from high school had twins and she was a valuable resource.
Get your very own copy by clicking the book’s cover image below!
by Kristi Campbell
JT Walters - I like the book but Dude ru crazy? Popping two or more out of the hatch? It is much more than my poor girl parts could take. Plus I don’t know about Tucker but Alex would have never shared the breastmilk. He’d still be breastfed if he could get away with it. A girl walks by with big mammary glands and he has the happy forlorn flashbacks.
Incredible experience but when I found out I was pregnant by the ex-fiancé’ my friend was there and she grabbed the wand stuck up me and she said, “Bad news is your pregnant but the sliver lining is it is not twins!!”September 13, 2016 – 8:31 pm
Kristi Campbell - Crazy? Why yes, yes I am. But really, wouldn’t it be fun sometimes if Alex were a twin??September 14, 2016 – 9:01 pm
Kenya - I can’t imagine double breastfeeding. One boob hurt like HELL. Yes I sad a bad word because it was that bad!
When I know of someone in the multiple baby market, I’ll definitely recommend this one and/or buy it if I love them. 😉September 14, 2016 – 3:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - OOOOH KENYA!!!! It was bad for me for a few days but somehow, I avoided the total h-e-double-hockey-sticks (hahah for you only) of it.September 14, 2016 – 9:02 pm