I can only think of one girl with a slight disability from when I was in high school. She had a few fingers missing from one hand. I didn’t know any kids with Down Syndrom, autism, or who used a wheelchair. I wonder where they were.
Today, I know a lot of people with differing abilities or who are raising a child with challenges. They’re with us, teaching us and telling us. They’re included.
Where Were People With Disabilities In The 80’s?
One day, maybe in third grade, a boy freaked out, flipped over his desk, and ran out the classroom. He wasn’t back the next day, or the next year. I don’t think I ever saw him again.
Where did he go? Back then, we were told “He has behavioral issues.”
Today, I’m honored to know adults and children with challenges and disabilities. “The behavior issues” Tucker had when he was little (wanting to walk upstairs first, not wanting anybody in his personal space, and more) were addressed with ABA therapy and were pretty much resolved by preschool graduation.
Be Beautiful Be Yourself
This weekend, Robert and I were once again able to attend the Be Beautiful, Be Yourself event in Denver, thanks to Mardra and Marcus Sikora.

Oh friends… I planned to tell you all about it in this post but am waiting on our official photos (the ones they take of us with um, well, you’ll have to wait for it). Promise I’ll share soon.
Now though, I’ll tell you that this event is just WOW. Like, for really really real wow. It’s my second time attending, and I think my shock at how hugely amazingly wonderfully life-changing it is kept me from fully taking stock of the wonder of it all last year. I mean, I felt wonder, and realized it’s humanity at its best, but this year, I was slightly more prepared for its awesomeness.

I wasn’t prepared for Mardra to bid on a meet and greet though… and because I’m a little situational-challenged myself, said “um, we have to pick Tucker up,” as she bid for a private session with the celebrities. (Sorry, Mardra)
I didn’t get it.
Turns out, Henry Winkler (yup, the Fonz) has recently written a children’s book and she wanted to be sure he got a copy of Marcus’ Black Day book. Duh. Everything’s more clear in hindsight and all that.
Henry Winkler was thrilled to meet Marcus and see his book. I mean, look.

Maybe he can become an ambassador to spread the word for this beautiful book!
Mr. Winkler was almost as excited to pose with me, see? (aw, come on – a girl can dream)

Speaking of Black Day, in a previous post, I said you can win a copy of it. Guess what? I’m buying all of you who said you’d like to win a copy! Be Beautiful Be Yourself has me in a giving mood. Oh! And, you get not just a copy, but a signed one!
You All Win The Black Day Book!
That means that Janine and Tamara and Rebecca all win a copy! YAY! Signed by Marcus!
Soon, I’ll tell you more about Be Beautiful, Be Yourself, and how it changes lives and hopes and dreams. Never have I been in a room with so many people who have Down Syndrome. It’s pure beauty and hope and all good things.
Seriously, friends, I can’t even begin to say how honored I am to have been there. And not just because I got to stumble over words telling Laura Liney “Um, I’m a huge fan,” because I’m sure that’s something new for her to hear, and original and writerly of me and all that.

More soon, I promise! If you’d like to get involved, or donate to a wonderful cause, visit the Be Beautiful, Be Yourself website. There are still some silent auction items available.
Until next time, be beautiful and be yourself. 😉
by Kristi Campbell
Rebecca - I’m practically speechless!! What an incredible event! The message of acceptance and being your beautiful self comes across as boldly as possible and must give everyone who attends such an inspirational lift. Henry Winkler is a gorgeous man -inside and out- I love how he wrote his own children’s book about his dyslexia.
Thank you SO much for the signed copy of Marco’s wonderful book! Can’t wait to get it and read it to all my kids, especially Brady.November 9, 2019 – 7:12 pm
Kristi Campbell - It really was an amazing event. Life-changing, and inspiring, and just beautiful all around. I feel so lucky to have been able to attend. And yes, Henry Winkler is just incredible. So kind and wonderful. xoxo I’ll send your book once I get them from Mardra 🙂
I know all the kids will love it. It’s Tucker’s favorite.November 11, 2019 – 11:11 am
Tamara Bowman - Omg so much here. First of all… the Fonz! And attending that beautiful event again!
And yes, a boy in my fourth grade class had (has) CP and we’d help him with carrying books and such.
These days our school follows and inclusive classroom model. I’ve seen it backfire in other schools and flourish in ours.November 12, 2019 – 8:39 pm
Kristi Campbell - Attending the event again was just wow. I’m glad your elementary school was already inclusive when you were a kid! And our school is mostly inclusive here although there’s a class for kids with higher needs too.November 14, 2019 – 6:17 pm