There’s ugliness in the world. Ugliness in people; those who turn their backs on and mistreat others seeking asylum from violence and poverty. I grew up learning stories of America’s greatness – our New World stood for freedom. A melting pot of cultures and language. A place where anybody could grow up to be anything. These days, when I tune into the news, I’m heartbroken. Angry. Horrified. The world feels broken and heartless. But last Saturday? The world felt hopeful. Pure. Good. The Global Down Syndrome Foundation’s Event Be Beautiful, Be Yourself was humanity at its very best.
While wearing pretty but uncomfortable shoes, I was reminded of a goodness of heart in people beyond kindness and empathy. I saw first-hand that extraordinary beauty really exists.
First, let me explain how I got there. A couple weeks ago, Mardra Sikora IM’d me and casually said something like “Hey, last minute I know but there’s Colorado’s best night next Saturday and it’d be great if you (+1) can join us! There are cocktails, famous people, and Marcus on stage.” Sure, she said something about “Colorado’s best night” but I didn’t realize she literally meant “the best night ever that will totally and completely restore your faith in humanity and our global future.”
I mean, Marcus is on stage all over the place (he and Mardra travel to advocate for Down Syndrome awareness and have even spoken at The United Nations). I didn’t figure it’d be as big as the UN but knew it’d be fun to see them both. Robert and I were free, my dad offered to take Tucker for the night, and my friend Julie (and her daughter) offered to tire out Nugget…
Looked like we’d be getting dressed up and with plans! On a Saturday night!
And then I started clicking around on the website. OMG. I got excited and bragged about how I’d be dining with an Avenger. But friends, I had no idea I’d be seeing humanity at its very best. My words here won’t do justice to the ways in which Be Beautiful, Be Yourself inspired me, but I’ll try to give you a picture.
Speaking of pictures, here’s one of Robert and I with Colin Farrell and Zack Gottsagen (the 2018 recipient of the Quincy Jones Exceptional Advocacy Award).
Colin Farrell is second from the left, if you weren’t sure.
I’ve never seen so many people with Down Syndrome (or any special needs) in one room. All dressed up and excited. Confident in themselves and their beauty. It felt like warmth and inclusion. Everybody there was supporting people with special needs. That alone was breathtaking and I’ll never forget the hope that filled me. Filled the room.
After being whisked for our photo-op with Colin Farrell, we got drinks and walked around the silent auction. Found Mardra, and chatted. Amazing.
And then! There was the live auction during dinner. The event was held in a hotel ballroom, and so there were no “bad” tables but I LOVED our table. There’s too much greatness to tell you about without bragging about where I got to sit…although it was like one-ish away from the celebrity table ah hem and AT OUR TABLE was Marcus’ friend and Emmy-winner Connor Long!
The live-auction items were incredible and included an exclusive VIP private safari in Disney’s Animal Kingdom for a family of four and other things beyond my budget. What was so amazing though, was the spur-of-the-moment celebrity involvement. When the bids weren’t coming in as quickly, Jamie Foxx jumped onto stage and got things really going (he was soooo cool).
He mentioned Von Miller’s (Denver Bronco’s Linebacker) unique (check it out – it’s inspired – also seen here) suit and said something along the lines that surely somebody in the audience wanted to bid on it, met to laughter and clapping and even more energy than before. Von Miller, of course, offered his jacket which then got a little wild when his pants (and perhaps his underpants) ended up on the auction block. His outfit sold for $35,000!
Jeremy Renner joined the fun and offered to boot four of his family members from his upcoming Avengers (!) movie premier and red carpet experience (I only had to glance at Robert who quickly shook his head “NO,” so I didn’t bid. Probably a good thing because that went for $15,000).
Colin Farrell offered the same with Dumbo, saying something about being uncaring parents for not bidding 😀
None of this was in the brochure. The room pulsed with energy and enthusiasm (and really high dollars) – all benefiting the Global Down Syndrome Foundation.
Humanity at its Very Best Was The Models
The most beautiful part of the evening though, were the models. Seeing people with Down Syndrome glowing with excitement and honor while escorting their celebrity side-kicks down the runway was simply everything. The smile on John McGinley’s face while walking the runway with two little girls?* Priceless.
Because I had two back-up pairs of shoes in my bag, I only had my phone camera, and not my camera-camera, so most of my photos are meh. But check out official photos from Be Beautiful, Be Yourself here and here, and the fabulous celebrities who care here. While you’re there, check out ways to get involved. It’s a really awesome organization that helps with REAL things for people with DS.
The entire evening was life-changing and brought home the fact that there truly is so much good and beauty in the world. I’ll always be grateful to Mardra allowing Robert and me to bask in the perfection of the evening.
Bonus photo of me with Mardra. I wanted one with Marcus too but he was backstage most of the time and after the event, was found eating cheesecake – a man after my heart. I’m not actually for-real pink, either. Stage lighting or something?
*The link with John McGinley also has a photo of Robert and me. We look old. But happy. We’re both.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, which I host alongside Kenya Johnson of Sporadically Yours. This week’s prompt is to share a photo and the story behind it.
by Kristi Campbell
Kenya G. Johnson - Awww that’s wonderful. You didn’t brag enough! I wanted more. I’m glad you and Robert were able to go. I clicked over, the picture with John McGinley and the girls was too cute. And OMG to Von Miller’s outfit. I was expecting to see that for $35K LOL! I’m glad you had a nice time. Your post was a definite pick me up – a bright spot in the ugliness. I hope the feeling last a while.October 26, 2018 – 10:34 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks for saying I didn’t brag enough. There’s a weird braggy line between explaining how awesome the night was and being like “nanananan nana,” ya know? The picture with John McGinley and the girls. So sweet. And LOL to Vong Miller’s outfit. I think another Bronco bought it – probably to tease him forever. Or maybe my bland fashion choices are just bland? Still, the fact that Jamie Foxx (!!!!!!) was the one to say “Hey let’s look at what Von Miller’s wearing and bid on this!” was so spur-of-the moment cool and maybe also says lol that he thought it was pretty out there too! 🙂 I’m glad it was a pick me up and I think the feeling will last for a bit. The world definitely feels bigger with hope and humans being nice to each other.October 26, 2018 – 9:34 pm
Emily - Oh wow — that sounds and looks like such an amazing evening! I would have been pretty awe struck with all the celebrities, but the way you describe the people with Downs Syndrome walking down the runway with celebrities — I think I would have been tearing up the whole time. Thanks for sharing your experience — so glad you were able to go!October 26, 2018 – 11:44 am
Kristi Campbell - Emily, it was one of the best things I’ve ever been to in forever. I was definitely tearing up — and the thing about the celebrities is that they all were just people, talking about Down Syndrome, or how people with special needs had changed them/ inspired them… they just were moms and dads and aunts and uncles and awesome people. I mean still, for the photo with Colin Farrell, I was like OMG OMG OMG OMG. Because OMG. I was iPhone stalking Jeremy Renner at dinner (but another woman at our table thought to get his nametag after he left and I was all DOH I should have thought of that!). 🙂October 26, 2018 – 9:37 pm
Dana - What a fabulous evening! Thanks for sharing it with us. P.S. I clicked to see the pic of you and Robert – you do look happy but you do not look old. A smile takes at least 20 years off, I think.October 26, 2018 – 12:53 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw thanks, Dana! We do look old but I think that’s okay. The smiles in photos from 13 years ago took 20 years off too I guess! So we’re basically 11 when we met 😉October 26, 2018 – 9:38 pm
TD - That sounds like an amazing evening. It’s depressingly easy to let the news cycle drain your faith in humanity. I can’t deny that I have little faith in people. It’s sad that an event like this is the exception to the rule.October 27, 2018 – 11:19 pm
Kristi Campbell - It’s hard to have faith in people when you read the news. I mean seriously. Sigh. But this night? It really was magical. <3October 30, 2018 – 9:40 am
Lizzi - It really does sound like an AMAZING evening. What a wonderful event to be part of. So glad it felt restoring the faith for you xOctober 28, 2018 – 2:59 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you! It was amazing. So so inspiring and wonderful! xoxoOctober 30, 2018 – 9:41 am
Linda Atwell - This. Is. So. Awesome. I’m thrilled for you and Robert…and this organization and the models….it all sounds BEYOND wonderful.What an incredible experience. Jumping up and down for joy right now. 🙂October 30, 2018 – 3:24 pm
Kristi Campbell - It really was awesome, Linda. A beautiful evening for sure and so inspiring and feel-good. Thank you!November 2, 2018 – 3:40 pm
Christine Carter - Well hot damn, this is AMAZING!!! OMG CELEBRITIES!! AND GORGEOUS CELEBRITY MEN!!
Okay, now that I got that out of the way, the REAL exciting part is the incredible gift of people with Down’s… and the people who love them and support them too. This event sounds absolutely amazing. What an AWESOME opportunity you had to go, Kristi! Just so cool- ALL of it.
And you look GORGEOUS.
And who on earth can afford to bid there?
Oh yeah, CELEBRITIES!! 🙂October 31, 2018 – 5:02 pm
Kristi Campbell - OMGGGGG it was SOOOOOO amazing, Chris! Unbelievable! Inspiring, uplifting, beautiful. It was a happy and magical night for sure. Thank you! xoxoNovember 2, 2018 – 3:40 pm
Yvonne Spence - This was lovely to read. So glad you had such a great time!November 3, 2018 – 3:23 am
Kristi Campbell - It was life-changing! Truly.May 5, 2019 – 8:55 pm