Once upon a time (four weeks ago), Tucker was a seriously awesome sleeper. He’d nap for three hours and then sleep through the night. Upon finding out that his program at school doesn’t require the kids to nap, I considered picking him up after lunch each day. They assured me that if Tucker becomes tired, he’s more than welcome to lay down on the floor and rest. I sent a blanket to show that I was open to this idea, but knew they were crazy and had obviously not spent enough time with my son. There is no way that Tucker would ever lay down when other kids are having fun. On the floor.
In a lame attempt to be proactive regarding the creation of a new schedule, I recorded how much combined daily sleep Tucker was getting. The average was 13 ½ hours. The first week of school came with some new challenges including “What in the hell do people pack for lunch when their kids won’t eat a sandwich and there’s no access to a microwave?” The bigger problem was that Tucker didn’t take a single nap. Our normally active and happy toddler was zombie-boy (minus the stinky falling-off skin) after 6:00 p.m. With week two, naptime returned, but we continued to eat dinner with a zombie.
Time to experiment. We tried a long, late-day nap. We tried a short “refresher” nap. We tried skipping the naps altogether and putting Tucker to bed earlier. Regardless of the nap recipe, we were dealing with grumpy, whiney, crying, clingy Tucker who didn’t want to do anything. Perhaps even more annoying is that he’s waking up between 4:30 and 6:00 a.m. and jumping up and down like a psycho monkey making a loud “Wheee!” sound interrupted only by the jolts of his jumps. Imagine “Whee (umph) eeeee (umph) eeeee (umph)…” Eventually, he does go back to sleep but is exhausted the next morning. Plus, his jumping and “Whee-ing” wakes me up. Arrrgh! What the hell do I do? Any advice? When did your kids give up their naps? How much sleep do they get? I know Tucker needs at least 12 hours or he’s just plain old tried. WebMD agrees. How do I get 12 hours of sleep carved out for him on the long school days? And if he doesn’t take naps on the long days, will he assume this is not a requirement on the short days? Should it be? Why in the world is he going crazy jumping in the bed when he’s obviously delirious with sleep deprivation? Did somebody tell him that he’s supposed to be a bouncing baby boy? At 4:30 a.m.?
This video doesn’t come close to illustrating the situation effectively. I had to shorten it and, frankly, don’t know what I’m doing. I think I cut off the most important “Wh…” sound and now Tucker sounds like he’s saying “Eeeeh” rather than “WHEEE.” Therefore, I’ve also included a set of really awful drawings. Anyway – see the mellow video version of what goes on in the pre-dawn hours here: BBBTucker, or check out my super awful drawings if you’re too lazy to watch the video.

Still (blissfully) sleeping…

Obviously, not sleeping
(and waking me up)

Down bounce…

Up, again…

And down, again…

And, after the above x 134, asleep,
once again…
by Kristi Campbell
Love&giggles - ever thought of a super early bedtime?? no nap then bed at 7?? I went through a similar story with Anya now if she naps she wont fall asleep till 10 or 11. I go to bed at 9:30 so you can see the trouble! Now bedtime is 7:30 on school nights and it works!!October 4, 2012 – 4:13 pm
admin - Nichol, that’s what we’re trying now. We’re not there yet, as I am still reliant on my husband doing his part of the routine (now who’s on “the spectrum?”) with Tucker’s bedtime. So bedtime tonight was a late 9:00 but better than last night’s 9:30. I hope each day we’ll get 20 minutes to 30 minutes closer to the ideal 7:30. Thank you so much for the input!
Do you need to take your kids outside to keep the sleepies away? That’s what I do with Tucker…October 6, 2012 – 6:22 pm
Sara - I’d say let him jump it out alone. Turn off the volume on the monitor and let him jump it out. If you can hold out, chances are good he’ll go back to sleep. Otherwise he learns it’s a good way to get Mommy to come.October 6, 2012 – 2:32 pm
admin - Hey Sara, thanks for the comment. We’re on board with that now. When I do go in, I just tell him he has to lay down. Yesterday, I just yelled down the hallway. Today, I covered my head with a pillow. 🙂October 6, 2012 – 6:21 pm
Evelyn Jeanne Shaw - As a web site owner I think the material here is really magnificent. I appreciate it for your time. You must maintain it and keep it up forever! Excellent work.October 11, 2012 – 12:23 pm
The Middle World | Finding Ninee - […] whispers it to me anyway, usually when my son is doing something that, well, looks retarded (like jumping like a maniac in bed when he’s really […]October 25, 2012 – 10:32 am
Joy - I just read this, Kristi (yes, I am reading your blog right from the beginning!) and I was wondering if Tucker’s sleep has improved since then. Or is he still bouncing in bed?December 29, 2012 – 8:44 am
admin - Hi Joy, I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you’re reading Finding Ninee from the beginning! You ROCK! He is sleeping better but does still jump up and down like a crazy man at 4:00 in the morning sometimes. He usually goes back to sleep, but hearing his “weee eee eeee eee” is still really annoying when it feels like the middle of the night!December 29, 2012 – 6:06 pm
Joy - I so know what you are talking about… Sunny is the worst sleeper ever. It wasn’t before he was 4 1/2 years old that he even started to sleep through the night and he still does not do it on a regular basis but only now and then! The dark circles around the eyes are as big as the Grand Canyon! 😉December 30, 2012 – 2:55 am
admin - Ugh. Here’s to better sleep for all of us in 2013! I can’t really complain as Tucker usually does sleep through the night but this jumping thing is just crazy! And I have no idea why he does it.December 30, 2012 – 10:09 am