I don’t remember my 11th birthday in particular. It may have been lost in the years of my parents’ impending divorce, or swallowed by summer’s end, with school looming around the corner.
I’m pretty sure I’ll always remember celebrating my son turning 11 this year. Celebrating 11 years old in a pandemic isn’t easy – so much is closed, we’re not having friends over, and getting on an airplane (for us) is not an option. His Fourth of July birthday has meant that each Fourth of July is my favorite, at least since he was born, but this one? What to do? We usually count on fireworks to be one of the grand gestures. This year, they were broadcasted on television. We didn’t tune in, preferring to remember past trips, celebrations, and make the best of this one.
Celebrating 11 Years Old in a Pandemic
We found places that assured us they were practicing social distancing and mask-wearing.
Tuesday, we balanced high above the ground. Errr, some of us climbed way up in the sky – I only participated on the levels where my stomach stayed in its proper place. As in, the first level of four. Even the solid structure in the middle is terrifying to me, but I braved it to snap a few photos my fearless birthday boy.
The EPIC sign he’s on is shown on the right from the ground. Not for me, thanks!
Wednesday, we drove to Glenwood Springs, and found a hot springs that required masks between outdoor pools and limited the number of guests.
We soaked, and jumped, and the soon-to-be 11-year-old reluctantly posed for a not-so-great-but-great-to-me photo in silhouette with the setting sun.
I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.
Thursday, we headed to the adrenaline park. Glenwood Canyon Adventure Park, where they promised distanced lines and required masks. I rode the seated zipline with Tucker but had to say no to the swings that hurl people off the edge of a cliff. Tucker and Robert rode though.

They were only filling every other swing, which was hopefully helpful? Who knows how this virus works. Fingers crossed.
I did try this one but closed my eyes the whole time, so it probably doesn’t count. Turns out, I don’t need this type of stimulation to feel anxious and afraid. People standing too close in line or people who don’t wear masks gives me all the excitement and terror required.
Like last year, when hugs, firework gatherings, and shared cake was allowed, we found ourselves near the top of the world. It felt like more than enough.
Being on top of the world feels like power, even in a pandemic
Friday, we drove to my brother’s family’s cabin near Winter Park. The Alpine Slide was closed, but Tucker and his cousin rode a zipline through the trees, hiked to another spot that touched the sky, and on Saturday, he opened presents and got excited just as much as he has on each birthday.
We forgot about the pandemic, at least for a few minutes or hours.
Celebrating turning 11 years old during a pandemic is more difficult than usual, but celebrate we did, and I’m pretty sure that he’ll always remember his 11th birthday in a way that mine’s been forgotten by me.
Happy, happy birthday to my sweet, funny, amazing boy. I think this is the first year I didn’t post photos on the 4th of July to celebrate his birth, fireworks, and life.
This is a Finish the Sentence Friday post, done four days late. The prompt is “4th of July.”
I wasn’t online, or writing, hoping to make the best celebration possible when so many smiles are hidden behind masks.
by Kristi Campbell
Lizzi - Beautiful memories in a difficult time. Happy birthday Ticker ๐๐๐July 7, 2020 – 12:29 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you!!July 16, 2020 – 8:56 pm
Lizzi - Tucker.
And I should always proof read XDJuly 7, 2020 – 12:30 am
Kristi Campbell - LOL ๐July 16, 2020 – 8:56 pm
Tamara - It’s always the right time, isn’t it?
And oh boy – some of that stuff takes my breath away. I need to go Google this amazing place you visited.July 7, 2020 – 2:34 pm
Kristi Campbell - Come visit!!! I mean, when it’s safe and all that. It’s amazing. I’ll take you. There are moose along the way, although I haven’t seen one (ever). You can help me find them.July 16, 2020 – 8:57 pm
Smith - Happy Birthday, Tucker!!!!!!!! It looks like he had an amazing day. Your posts are making me very nostalgic for my 2016 summer road trip. We went to Glenwood Springs as well. I’m sorry he had to celebrate this way, but it looks like you made the best of it. And who better to celebrate with than mom and dad? And you looked very chill:)> Enjoy!July 9, 2020 – 4:47 am
Kristi Campbell - I remember your Colorado trip. Glenwood Springs is so amazing. I hope you’ll come back!!!July 16, 2020 – 8:58 pm