Friends. If you’re like me (which, for your sake, I hope not because I’m a disorganized mess with shit in every possible corner of my house), you may store toys in your pantry.
You may be crapping up your lovely custom-built bookcases with a bunch of stuff that you don’t need. Things like DVDs, audio books, music CDs and games. Here, take a look at how we’re bringing down the value of our house with clutter that will never be used again:
Some of these items, in fact, have never been used the first time around, such as the three Deadwood collections that I bought for my husband on his birthday back when I thought that giving him thoughtful presents was cool and showed him how much I was listening to his likes.
Anyway, if you’re wondering whether there’s a reason that I’m telling you about this and showing you the crapstorm that my once lovely bookcases are today, other than for you to simply feel better about your own home, there is.
Turns out, there’s this company called MusicMagpie that buys used DVDs, audio books, CDs and games. The best part is that they’re not dumping the unusable stuff into a landfill somewhere – they’re taking the plastic, the cardboard and the paper and recycling it all. Good for everybody, right?
To use their service, which is totally free by the way – even the shipping is free – you simply visit their site and enter the barcode of the CD or DVD you no longer want. Plus, if you’re lazy like I am, they have a free app that allows you to scan the barcodes right from your iPhone (which is obviously much preferable to typing in a barcode which you may type incorrectly the first time– not that I did that).
They’re basically paying you to clear your clutter. Even I can get motivated to get off my ass for that.
I was compensated by Music Magpie for this post but all of the words and opinions are mine. Plus, I really am going to clean up those shelves of mine. For real.
Now, moving on to what I’m thankful for this week.
- Obviously, I’m thankful for Music Magpie, who will be paying me to clean up an almost-five-year-old mess and allow me to no longer need to utter disclaimers about how busy I’ve been to people visiting my home for the first time.
- I’m thankful that Tucker finally took a massive dump yesterday because I was getting worried after reading some crappy (heh) Google advice about it being totally fine to stick a finger up your kid’s ass when they’re constipated.
- I’m thankful that although I wanted to tear him up earlier this morning for being a man, that my lovely husband Robert took Tucker to the store so that I can write this post in the quiet that is currently my home.
- I’m thankful to each and every incompetent idiot that I’ve ever worked with. You make me look brilliant in comparison and have allowed me to bond with others over your stupidity.
- I’m thankful that nobody who has given me a blog award has publicly shamed me and called me out for being the lazy asshole that I am for continually procrastinating in passing them along.
- I’m thankful that Rich wrote this post for me two weeks ago, opening me up to the reality that these lists do not have to be deep or serious all of the time. Plus, it led to me then guest posting over at his place with this one.
- I’m thankful that I do not yet have to wear Depends. Because someday, I’m sure, that will suck.
- I’m thankful that the birds continue to shit on my car because again, this is not in my hair:
- I’m thankful for you, my friends, who are here, reading Finding Ninee even after suffering through the internet breaking yesterday. I’m thankful the internet is fixed.
- I’m thankful that tonight, for two happy hours, I had the pleasure of drinking margaritas with some moms who have children in Tucker’s Preschool Autism Classroom. I cannot believe the difference in life today, knowing these women, and life one year ago, when I was, instead, alone.

by Kristi Campbell
Jennifer P - Lol this is so funny I’m laughing hard. Thank you for the cd paying company, I had some I was donating but think its better to get paidAugust 4, 2013 – 12:38 am
Considerer - WOW! That’s an incredible company! But I don’t want to get rid of any of my DVDs and all my old books go to Oxfam or the British Heart Foundation.
Love your shelves. And I love my own custom bookshelves, though I think yours are every bit as beautiful and book (and clutter) filled as my own 🙂
Love your list, and so glad you’re back online and didn’t need medicating 🙂August 4, 2013 – 5:07 am
clark - man! When the revolution comes, I really hope they leave the internet on!
that business Friday was so very not fun.
I’m sitting at my desk, looking out the window of my ‘office’* and it is looking like ‘not Summer’.
There is a certain degree of blueness to the sky that has me, against my will, flashing back to new shirts…the ‘first day of school shirt’, with the tissue paper and secret pins and that..’smell’ of new shirt.
Totally with you on Number 6.
I read with no small degree of envy the Posts that have lists and clear explanations of the gratitude item. Somehow, when I read them, I manage to balance envy with ambition and try to learn to write better and all…but in the meantime, I am glad that the TToT is different, in that anything goes.. so I get to do things like my grid.
(I always think of a great quote from Jack White on his approach to writing music, “I just find a guitar and pick a fight with it”.)
* which looks like any professional’s office, provided that professional is fond of Ethan Allen double beds as an accessory piece…August 4, 2013 – 7:37 am
Janine Huldie - Oh the pooping issue, seriously never thought I would be so happy when another human being did do this, but for some reason when you have kids you just become so consumed with this and when they do do it. Seriously, I read that line and completely understood my friend. Enough said!! Thanks always for co-hosting!! 🙂August 4, 2013 – 8:39 am
Rachel - You managed to talk about bodily functions twice in this list. A lady after my own heart!August 4, 2013 – 8:59 am
Jak - Hmm that is an interesting site.
I just punched in the barcode for my sealed games (I have 70 of them… I just counted yesterday…) and the offer was 52 cents >..<
Though, I do agree the hop, and the Thankfulness cited within, doesn't have to be serious all the time being devoid of fun and humor. I think many have displayed that from the get-go.
I'm very glad the internet breaking was a very temporary scenario! It sounded like many of the natives were becoming incredibly restless and I wouldn't have been surprised if rioting sparked and spread through the streets had it lasted any longer than it had!
Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkAugust 4, 2013 – 4:10 pm
Rich Rumple - Actually, I liked the Deadwood Series! I just recorded it on DVD, as well as the Sopranos, Rome, and am in the progress of doing it with the Dexter series too! Obviously, I’m an obsessed collector too! lol You know, if we keep mentioning each other in our blogs, we’re going to draw suspicion. lol “Old fart meet procrastinating blonde” … story at eleven. Our spouses will go crazy with that one! 🙂 I tend to remember the affect that cod liver oil would have on the human body once it was forced down through numerous gag reflexes. Would save the thumb for sure, as well as the tail. And, you, drinking wine? You? Never would have suspected it! And, no, we would never call you out! I mean, why point out the obvious? lol Keep em coming!August 4, 2013 – 4:24 pm
Kristi (K2) - That company sounds like an easy way to declutter. (Although, I must admit, your bookshelves look inviting just the way they are!)August 4, 2013 – 4:31 pm
Considerer - I can add a #11 to my list – I was grateful today that when my friend called me out on the HUGE amount of bird crap over my car, and the lack of water in my windscreen wash reservoir (because I’ve been too lazy to replace it) I could borrow from you and tell her “Well I’m quite happy they’ve done it on the car, cos it means it’s not in my hair”
Also WHOA there nellie – Google reckons it’s ok to freakin VIOLATE your kid on the basis of constipation?!?!?! Something very, very wrong there if the recommendation is any more than lots of water and syrup of figs! Duuuuuuuuuuuuude!August 4, 2013 – 5:49 pm
Shanique - Really that wasn’t one bird. That was a conspiracy. Those birds read your blog last week and they said you gave them permission. Expect more next week…caz you’re taking pics and shitz…
Aww the joys of parenting….you have to deal with shit…
Lizzi and I were watching y’all collective meltdown when the internet broke and mentally patting our backs that we have blogger blogs..But we felt your pain…*right Lizzi?*August 4, 2013 – 6:16 pm
karen - I still have easter plushes out and stupid stuff on my shelves too. It annoys my mom but I just don’t care, LOL. I am so glad I am not the only one woman. I also would go CRAZY with all that space…I would need to fill it up, LOLAugust 4, 2013 – 7:24 pm
Jak Cryton - *Reposed here as it seems in the format below half of my message was erased?*.
Hmm that is an interesting site.
I just punched in the barcode for my sealed games (I have 70 of them… I just counted yesterday…) and the offer was 52 cents >.< I'm assuming unopened doesn't factor in if they are just recycling. If they were reselling sealed product however, they could make some decent change perhaps. What do they offer you for your Deadwood collections? I've only seen most of the first season, loved it, but never got to see the rest! Can't help but be curious. Either way, that sounded like a sweet gift. To be honest, I wish I had bookshelves like yours. That would be some amazing space lol I just had to rearrange a ton of things this weekend to make room for the free books I received weeks ago, but just had piled up on the table in the living room. I try to avoid Google whenever trying to figure out anything medical... usually end up way more freaked out/paranoid if doing so. #4 seems oddly counter-productive for an Our Land mentality >.<. Though, I do agree the hop, and the Thankfulness cited within, doesn't have to be serious all the time being devoid of fun and humor. I think many have displayed that from the get-go. I'm very glad the internet breaking was a very temporary scenario! It sounded like many of the natives were becoming incredibly restless and I wouldn't have been surprised if rioting sparked and spread through the streets had it lasted any longer than it had! Jak at
http://dreamsintheshadeofink.blogspot.comAugust 4, 2013 – 8:13 pm
GirlieOnTheEdge - Man, I love those bookshelves! The house we sold in Fairfax had a couple of built ins but nothing like that. I’d take yours even with all that extra crap. lol
Very nice list today however, I particularly like #4. I seem to feel that way a lot lately!August 4, 2013 – 8:37 pm
Cyndi - HAHAH. Your post absolutely CRACKED ME UP.
Where do I start? The musical magpies thing is already favorited in my browser. OMG – I have zillions of CDs collecting dust and bunnies of every shape and size and need to upload them to an iPod that I want at some point in the future. I can put them on my computer, yes, but…you know…iPods are cool. HAHA
I’m seriously envious of those bookshelves because well, I have books stacked in all nookies and crannies of my house and cleaning the dust (yeah, I know…it’s like once every 2 years…but I don’t have time nor the inclination to clean when there’s a life to live, lol) and putting them all in one place would make one apt to have to dust less. Plus it just looks good.
As for your son, I’m sorry you, um, had to sacrifice a finger for the cause.
I’ve been practicing my Spanish (as you read in my post – thank you, lol) and I swear EVERYBODY in that show drinks tequila. So now, I’m going to go out and get some and follow it up with limes. That’s what they do in the show. It probably won’t taste good – I’m a wine drinker myself – but, I am inclined to try. LOL
Have a wonderful rest of your Sunday. Take care!August 4, 2013 – 9:29 pm
Dana - Three thankful things related to pooping or peeing. That alone is enough reason to love you.August 4, 2013 – 9:58 pm
Linda Roy - What a cool thing Music Magpie is. I’m doing it. My husband is the same way. He’s all like “I like 5 For Fighting” and I buy him the CD and it’s still in the shrink wrap. He’s all “I wish I had the original Godzilla on DVD” and I get on the internet and track that shit down. Still in the shrink wrap. Well…NO MORE! Goodbye 5 For Godzilla. Mama’s gonna get some cold hard cash. And holy shit – I’m never gonna stick my finger up my kid’s butt. That’s some scary right there, right?August 4, 2013 – 10:09 pm
Considerer - Shanique? Ya gettin’ me in trouble here girl! Kristi, she doesn’t mean it! We weren’t…poking fun or owt. Just felt bad for you. Wanted to help but couldn’t think of a suitable way to make the experience less frustrating.August 4, 2013 – 10:41 pm
christine - My favorite part of this entire post was the copywriting of the bird poop. Hilarious that you did it, but even better that you pointed it out to those who might not have noticed.
My computer service was down for quite a long time on Thursday night, when the entire family was out and I had hours of time all to myself. Ticked off doesn’t even cover it. I read the list of people who had trouble Friday, and unlike others *coughLizziandShaniquecough* I felt your pain.August 4, 2013 – 11:17 pm
Lizzy Allan - Lol, this post made me chuckle 🙂 Re: number two – I’d be worried too after reading that on google – thank goodness he ended up producing the goods 🙂 Re: number four – I totally know what you mean … all hail incompetent workmates! Re: number eight – that is one of the most optimistic ways of looking at a shit situation I’ve heard in a long time! hehe 😀 have a lovely week 🙂August 5, 2013 – 12:07 am
Tamara - Depends actually have an interesting use that was discussed at a baby shower yesterday – post birth for those miserably messy few weeks after. Who knew?!
Music Magpie seems like a dream.August 5, 2013 – 12:12 am
Considerer - @Christine – hey I TRIED, okay! I was very supportive and didn’t gloat at ALL about it. I even offered personal 1-to-1 counselling and some(unappreciated) Valium. :pAugust 5, 2013 – 5:33 am
Kerri - Yeah I never understood how birds could fly with that much crap in them either.
Oh and I just discovered Jose Cuervo margaritas in a premixed bottle. You just add the salt and if you are like me an extra dash of tequila. YUMAugust 5, 2013 – 8:09 am
SocialButterflyMom - Good perspective check(list). Mommies and margs: is there anything better?August 5, 2013 – 2:31 pm
I think the only time it is okay to stick a finger up your child’s ass is if there is a suppository balanced on the end of said finger, and then only in a fit of absolute desperation.
#4 – couldn’t have said it better.
#5 – um, guilty as well
#7 – On the giant timeline of life, I am closer to Depends than I am to Pampers.August 5, 2013 – 8:39 pm
Out One Ear - A few years ago, I read a book called, It’s All Too Much. I started cleaning out my closets and felt so cleansed (much like that bird that left his sh*t all over your car door must’ve felt 🙂 ). But it’s been a few years and I can say that I now need to cleanse AGAIN! Not as much, but every few years, houses seem to accumulate things you think you need but really don’t. So there’s another book called, Your Money Or Your Life which I love because after reading it has kept me from buying a bunch of new crap (or at least not as much new crap) that I think I need in the moment. So this cleanse won’t be quite as bad as the first one. And I’m happy about that. Thanks for this info though. It is motivating.August 5, 2013 – 11:14 pm
Joy Christi - I’m always late to the party but I hope to link up next time. Music Maggie sounds awesome!! I’m betting my.library (where I get most of my reading material) would frown on me selling their audiobooks though.August 8, 2013 – 5:44 pm
A Morning Grouch - That really IS a lot of bird shit. October 2, 2013 – 9:06 pm