Finding Ninee » Sharing our parenting and special needs stories with heart and humor.

I Used to Believe in Pet Rocks, and that Plaid Pants were the Best

When I was a little kid, I believed in a lot of things. I believed in magic, wonder, in the power of wishes and kisses, and that I – and all of us – have the power to change the world. I still believe.

Back then, though, I thought Bad People only came in windowless white vans, that if you played a record backwards, that you could accidentally end up insane, and that popcorn balls and apples gotten on Halloween had to be thrown away because of the danger of razor blades. I believed in Shaun Cassidy, too.

I believed in witches under the bed, and in dolls coming to life while I slept (which is why, just in case, I always removed their heads at night, and hid them from their bodies).

I thought my dolls would come alive at night

I believed that my parents’ love would last for always, and that I’d never not know what all of my best friends forever were up to every hour.

I believed in being a pen pal, and in letter writing, because long distance phone bills were much too expensive to be wasted on childhood gossip. I believed that I’d love the next door neighborboy forever, and that when he moved away, I’d never have anybody understand me, ever again.

I believed that the bigger the stereo was, the better, and that deep shag carpets and plaid pants were the best thing ever invented.

Stereos were big in the 70

I believed that not having a basket on a bicycle was tragic, and that Pooh raincoats would be a fashion statement that withstood the tests of time.

Plaid pants and Winnie the Pooh raincoats rocked!

I believed in Pet Rocks, and that there would never be a day when kids didn’t leave the house in the morning, unheard from until it was time for dinner, at 5:30pm.

I believed that grownups had the answers to everything.

Little kid wondering what happens to doggies when they die         Little girl hoping dogs are playing together in heaven

I knew that phones were connected to the wall, and that if you wanted privacy, that stretching it around the corner of the kitchen divider wall next to the avocado green refrigerator was best. I believed in the 70’s, friends.

Today, I believe in raising awareness and empathy for special needs. In helping people to understand that the words “special needs” and “autism” are not scary, or to be pitied. That life, with or without these words, is mostly almost always worth it and, more often than not, when we can see it, beautiful.

I believe my little boy when he knows best about needing to hold my hand while he falls asleep, that it is true that chasing bad dreams away before he falls asleep works, and that I am the best “play with me” friend that he has. I believe that he will be fine, after I’m gone, because not believing in that isn’t an alternative.

I hope you will accept my kid, just as he is

I believe in you guys, and that you will accept my little boy, just as he is.

I believe that there will be a warm and safe place for him, always. That you, and your children, will welcome him, and will be patient with him when he needs a few moments to gather the courage to speak, and when he needs a few more to say what he needs to say – and that, maybe, he’ll need to take a few times to do so, for you to understand.

I believe in the magic of my youth, and those carefree days, before cell phones, laptops, social media, and GPS.

I also believe in now.

In the power of social media (have you heard that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has collected $41.8 million since the end of July? Stay tuned because I have an idea for a social media trend to raise awareness for children whose words become broken).

I believe that I can still change the world.

That all of us can.

I believe in tonight, and in all of the tomorrows.

This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. Today’s sentence was “When I was a kid, I really believed that…”

Your hosts:
Me (Kristi), from Finding Ninee
Stephanie, from 
Mommy, For Real
and tonight’s guest host is the lovely Yvonne Spence, from and Inquiring Parent. Please go show her some extra love.

Oh! And it’s my birthday tomorrow. So you probably totally want to share this, or, maybe, my first-ever Huffington Post published thing? Um, yeah. Or this:

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  • Dana - How in the hell do you pull off this genius in a matter of hours? I had major writers block tonight so I have no post, although razor blades and creepy dolls did figure into my trashed draft. Happy, happy birthday, Kristi – may your year be full of wonder. And congrats on your HuffPo piece!August 21, 2014 – 10:06 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Dana, to be fair, I didn’t finish it. The doggie drawings were going to have 2013 and Tucker not noticing Chief missing and then 2014, where he asks when his dog Chief is coming back from being ill and me not knowing what to say. So um, yeah, here’s to posting incomplete posts. Will I fix it? Who knows. Probably not though. You know… no pressure of course, but the linkie code is open until Sunday and I’d LOVE your thoughts on razor blades and creepy dolls!! And thank you so much!!!August 22, 2014 – 12:25 pmReplyCancel

  • Michelle AKA Crumpets and Bollocks - I love it. We have got to make plaid pants cool again. I think we can do it, except I don’t know how to make pants.

    My favorite part: I believe I can change the world.August 21, 2014 – 10:08 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Michelle, I don’t know how to make pants, either. In fact, I haven’t really sewn anything since I got that D- in 7th grade home ec for messing up a stupid pig pillow. Probably, that class crushed my soul a little bit. Here’s to changing the world!August 22, 2014 – 12:29 pmReplyCancel

  • Allie - Okay. First, I believe in Tucker:)!

    I did (and still do:)) believe in Shaun Cassidy…The do run, run, the do run run run. Yeah, when my heart stood still…

    And I STILL believe in letter writing!

    I love the approach you took with this. Oh the nostalgia makes me smile. I love the 70s – and the 80s!

    I was never sold on the pet rock, though.August 21, 2014 – 10:13 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I believe in Tucker, too, Allie and thank you for believing in him, too! Ah, the do run run run!! I love the 70’s and 80’s too. And the pet rock? Easiest pet I’ve ever owned.August 22, 2014 – 12:30 pmReplyCancel

  • Tamara - There must have been something about white vans in the news, because I had that same fear. I still do. And I drive a white van! Luckily it has windows. Whew.
    I believe in you and Tucker too!August 21, 2014 – 10:16 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I just remember hearing about it from my mom. The windowless ones picked up little kids, and stole them OR gave them stickers with LSD on them or something like that. HAHA to you now driving a white van! You’re like the anti-scary!August 23, 2014 – 10:03 pmReplyCancel

  • Katia - I know, I was thinking the same as Dana. It would take me days, Kristi. You’ve managed to resurrect the magic and beauty and beyond wordness of childhood and then you perfectly tied it in with Tucker and I was nodding in agreement all along and it’s just amazing how seamlessly you move from talking about avocado green fridges and stretching phone cords to special needs acceptance and beauty and make it sound like two parts of one thought. Phew. Happy birthday. You are amazing.August 21, 2014 – 10:22 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Aw Katia, you’re so sweet. I mentioned to Dana too but basically, I just didn’t finish the post and already had the photo from an old post (same with the first drawing), so… And thank you for the happy birthday and telling me I’m amazing. You, my friend, are amazing.August 23, 2014 – 10:04 pmReplyCancel

  • karen - wow…you pretty much captured all the things I believed when I was a kid too. Tucker rocks…standing around half naked watching a fish tank is just a boy thing. If Dino could, he’d do pretty much everything naked.August 21, 2014 – 11:20 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - HAHA Karen, yeah, Tucker spends an incredible amount of time walking around sans pants. Glad to hear he’s not the only one!August 23, 2014 – 10:05 pmReplyCancel

  • Ke - Yep Shaun Cassidy – the Joe Hardy one if there need be any clarification. I miss my carefree youth – 6th through 8th grade were THE BEST. I always wished my doll would blink or something to let me know she was really alive. I wanted them to be but certainly not while I was asleep.August 22, 2014 – 12:48 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Heeehee to not being alive while you were asleep but hoping she’d blink, Kenya! And for real – 6th to 8th grade were the best for you? I had a really hard time in 7th grade (and again, in 9th) and have always blamed in on being “that age” as a girl but wow, glad to hear that those years were awesome for you – so maybe just me! I’m not sure what the icky years are for boys…or if they have them… or even if other girls had them… anyway, rambling. 🙂August 23, 2014 – 10:07 pmReplyCancel

  • Kelly L McKenzie - And of course mine is the link with no picture. Lord. Imagine a lovely piece of chocolate cake. Perfect for your birthday. Happy Birthday and Happy HuffPost!August 22, 2014 – 2:28 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Sorry Kelly that your photo didn’t come through 🙁 and thank you for the birthday wishes!!! and the idea of cake – if it makes you feel better, I’m way more of a nachos girl than a dessert girl, and way more of a vanilla girl than a chocolate one!! Thank you!!August 23, 2014 – 10:10 pmReplyCancel

  • Mike - First and foremost, Happy Birthday Kristi! Sorry, we are a few hours late on it. Yesterday was technology Heck here. Everything crashed. Anyhoo, I actually bought and played Shaun Cassidy’s “Da Doo Run Run” on a 45 over and over and over. Yep, a little dude back in those days. All dogs go to heaven is an absolute and where they go is where I want to go when my number is called. At 5 years old my bio mom told me that watermelon seeds were where babies came from. I swore off watermelon for nearly 15 years. I still think about that every time I eat it LOL! 🙂 You KNOW how deeply and in the most special way that Phoenix and I believe in Tucker…and you…ALWAYS!! I have two friends, one with an autistic brother…another with an autistic son. Because of YOU specifically coming into my life it has allowed a whole deeper dialogue of understanding and candid conversation with the two of them that I can speak of with far more education. Because of. YOU! Thank you for that 🙂 Yesterday is but a memory, tomorrow is only a dream. Therefore today is all we have. You and Tucker rock every one Today there is! Sooooo proud of both of you! Love ya guys, Mike and Phoenix 🙂August 22, 2014 – 3:58 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - You were early!!!!! (which you also now know :))
      I want to go to the place where the dogs go, too. As long as Tucker will go there, too… You didn’t eat watermelon for 15 years worried you’d have a kid??? OMG> that’s awesomely funny and incredibly sad, rolled into one…
      I am so humbled and honored and thankful that because of Tucker and me, that you’ve gained new understanding – and more meaningful conversations (it’s OK to ask!!!) – for your friends’ son and brother. That’s amazing. You’re amazing, and a force of good here on the internets that is largely unequaled. Your spirit and goodness and love is felt by all that you interact with here in this cyberspace place (and I know in real life too).
      We love you guys too! Are you gonna do the ice bucket thing? Tucker wants to do it – ever since I did it, it’s been rainy and chilly when we might have (and I will NOT put ice in his – maybe like one cube) and he still really wants to do it!August 23, 2014 – 10:15 pmReplyCancel

  • christine - You took the heads off your dolls at night? Wow.
    I don’t know about witches, but something awful lived under my bed. No body part could hang over the edge or it would be chopped off.

    Congrats on the HuffPost thing!

    Can’t wait to see what your new idea is.

    Happy birthday!August 22, 2014 – 7:24 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Um, yeah, I took their heads off at night so they couldn’t find their bodies and attack me. That probably says a lot about me? Or, um, nothing? Maybe that my mom just let me watch some horrible show? I dunno… can we still be friends?
      Here’s to the awfulness under our beds, and it no longer being there, because I’d have lost all limbs by now. Maybe even my head, during college years.
      And thank you!!August 23, 2014 – 10:17 pmReplyCancel

  • Yvonne - I had witches under my bed too Kristi! And believed in dolls coming alive, though I never had any Barbies. I wanted a “Sindy” which might have been a British version, but my mum didn’t like them. Can’t think why… 🙂
    You look so cute on your bike, and Pooh raincoats are a fashion statement that has stood the test of time! (Not quite so sure about the plaid trousers.)
    And yes, you can change the world – you’re right, all of us can!August 22, 2014 – 9:28 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Yvonne! Yikes to the witches under your bed!!! Glad your mum didn’t like Sindy because Barbies were weird and gross. I once read that if they were proportionate (and I won’t get the numbers right), they’d have measurements like 38 breast, 21 waist, and like 32 hips. Um okay.
      Here’s to Pooh Raincoats and ALL OF US TOGETHER changing the world!!!August 23, 2014 – 10:19 pmReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth - I was more a Parker Stevenson fan myself. 😉 Happy happy happy birthday! I hope tomorrow is an amazing day for you!August 22, 2014 – 10:16 amReplyCancel

  • Twindaddy - I’ve been mooned! AAAAAuuuuuuuuuugh!

    He’s still a cutie.August 22, 2014 – 10:52 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Uh oh. Is the mooning bad? Should I censor this??? And yeah, he’s got the cutest butt in the solar system. Fer Sher.August 23, 2014 – 11:23 pmReplyCancel

      • Twindaddy - Haha, no. I was just being silly.August 25, 2014 – 11:36 amReplyCancel

  • Catherine @ Making Meal Time - This post makes me want to go run out and do something good for the world. It’s true, we can all change the world!August 22, 2014 – 12:00 pmReplyCancel

  • Janine Huldie - How did I miss this last night and will admit not co-hosting, I totally forgot that it was even the week for FTSF. I am not kidding, I actually watched Weekend at Bernie’s when I would have been up commenting! Crazy as it seems, but as a kid I believed in much of what you did and you reminded me totally of those big white vans (I had almost forgotten), but still love what you now believe in now and hoping like you that we can indeed make a difference.August 22, 2014 – 1:05 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I’m actually a little in Shock and Awe, that you even forgot it was FTSF night. I mean, YOU!!! YOU STARTED IT. I’m also super amazing impressed, that you were just IRLing and forgot. That’s why. That’s what it’s about right? Also please tell me you’ll still cohost sometimes???
      I love Weekend at Bernie’s. I hated it the first time I saw it but loved it by number 3 and now, I’m probably on like 10, but haven’t seen it in 15 years. Makes me want to watch, again.August 23, 2014 – 11:26 pmReplyCancel

  • Rebecca - At first this post was cracking me up and taking me down memory lane- especially with the bigger the stereo comment. (AHHAH! been there!) but then you took me to the next level and I am so happy and my spirit full because I believe in so much goodness and acceptance too! Beautiful things and so much love, empathy, compassion and change can be found everywhere! This was an uplifting and feel good post. MUAH!August 22, 2014 – 4:08 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Rebecca, I sorta miss the big stereos because well hello! but not the room they took in the house. I think 1/2 of my living room as a kid was taken up by the only stereo in the house!!! And yeah, here’s to acceptance and goodness. It’s really what matters the very most to me, now… Thank you big for the MUAH! I so appreciate it, and your comment. Huge.August 23, 2014 – 11:31 pmReplyCancel

  • Marcia @ Menopausal Mother - Thanks for taking me down memory lane–I remember ALL of these things! I too, believe in the magic of youth! Congrats on your Huff Po piece! 🙂August 22, 2014 – 8:50 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thank you so much, Marcia! And isn’t it funny how much the world has changed? I mean for real. Cell phones??? Yikes.August 23, 2014 – 11:38 pmReplyCancel

  • Brittnei - There was actually a movie that came out when I was little called All Dogs Go To Heaven. I sure thought they did! Hahaha with the non-cordless phone. I remember phones like that! You were such a cute little girl when you were growing up. Awwww! I love that you said that special needs and autism are not things that need to be pitied. I’ll be honest and say that I most definitely learned that from you. I love how blogging and reading about other people’s lives and situations can open you up to a whole new world right where you are in your own little space. I like so much of what you believe now, too. 🙂August 22, 2014 – 9:52 pmReplyCancel

    • jaklumen - I got well acquainted with many Don Bluth movies like “All Dogs Go To Heaven” because… he’s one of my dad’s cousins. Yes, for real, I checked.August 23, 2014 – 7:28 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Brittnei, I’m so happy that my words about special needs and autism made your world bigger…and yeah, here’s to our spaces being more expanded, always. I think that’s truly what this life is about – understanding what’s here, now, and understanding all of it is part of something so very much more. I like so much of what YOU believe, now, too. Here’s to finding out and celebrating here and always. Also I love that you remember the phone cords!!!August 23, 2014 – 11:50 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I love that you remember those phones and so sorry that I’m just now replying!!! I agree that blogging is an amazing tool for opening us up to different and wonderful experiences that we’d not have if it weren’t for this awesome tool!September 11, 2014 – 12:26 amReplyCancel

  • Emily - As always, beautifully written with humor and honesty…and I can’t wait to hear about your social media idea. You make me believe too.:)August 22, 2014 – 10:35 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Emily, here’s to believing. I sometimes question what it is, exactly, that I believe in – is it in spreading awareness for special needs? Yes, but do I really understand special needs? Um. Do I wanna change the world? Yes! How? I get these ideas and then realize they are maybe dumb. But who would’ve thought the ice bucket thing would have caught on? Not me!! And thank you!!August 24, 2014 – 12:34 amReplyCancel

  • Lana - Every time I come to your blog you amaze me. I remember all that stuff from the 70’s…ahh, good times. Your little boy will not only be okay, he will be amazing – partly because he has you for a mama. I can’t wait to hear about your idea! Have a great weekend.August 22, 2014 – 11:19 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Lana. Yay to all the stuff from the 70’s and to remembering it. Sometimes, I feel sad that my kid won’t know any of this, but I’m also amazed and wonder what he will know, when he’s my age, and know that it will be amazing.August 24, 2014 – 12:37 amReplyCancel

  • Anna - I think button phones are ancient. Part of me wants to censor the photo.August 23, 2014 – 10:15 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Button phones are ancient and part of me is considering editing the photo to censor it.August 24, 2014 – 12:38 amReplyCancel

  • Sandy Ramsey - Shaun Cassidy! Oh yeah, baby! I am with you all the way…we basically lived the same childhood, right down to windowless white vans (which I will still not park next to), backwards records, and razorblades in the Halloween apples. Was there a banana seat on that bike? I think there must have been.

    Tucker is such a character and yes, adored just the way he is. As all children should be.

    I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve….let’s get on with changing the world!August 23, 2014 – 2:20 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I think my parents said no to the cool banana seat that year but I did get one later thank goodness!! I agree that all children should be adored just as they are!!! XXOOAugust 24, 2014 – 12:41 pmReplyCancel

  • April - I love that ALS has raised over $50 million at this point, but I really wish I could come up with some way to raise money for children with congenital heart defects, but then I wonder if it’s too passe? I love how you laid out how your beliefs changed throughout the years. I couldn’t think of anything to write this time around! Catch you next time!August 23, 2014 – 3:05 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - April, I wish there was a way to raise money for everything that needs it. Homelessness, healthy meals, every disease, sigh. I don’t think trying to raise money with children with congenital heart defects is passe at all – please let me know what you decide to do because I’d love to support you!August 24, 2014 – 12:44 pmReplyCancel

  • Astrid - I too believed that dolls came to life when I wasn’t watching, but I likedt his idea actually.August 28, 2014 – 10:58 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - HAHA I love that you loved the idea. Is that weird? I was a chicken.September 11, 2014 – 12:18 amReplyCancel

  • Stephanie - I believe in so many of those things too! I’d like to add mood rings to the list. 🙂September 2, 2014 – 3:07 amReplyCancel

  • Tarana - Thanks for a walk down memory lane! Your message is very important, and I hope people read this and understand how much children with special needs should be loved and respected all the more, and not pitied.September 10, 2014 – 6:50 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I so agree that all children should be understood, and never pitied. Thank you!September 11, 2014 – 12:21 amReplyCancel

  • Kelly Sage - There is so much power in just believing!September 10, 2014 – 9:56 amReplyCancel

  • Jill @ RIPPED JEANS & BIFOCALS - Beautifully written. I used to believe in Shaun Cassidy, too. Maybe I still do ; )September 10, 2014 – 12:28 pmReplyCancel

  • Lisa @ Golden Spoons - Not sure how I missed this one originally, but so glad i read it today. I believe you can change the world, too. I think you already are with this blog and Our Land. Can’t wait to hear more about your idea and, whatever it is, I’m in!!September 10, 2014 – 3:34 pmReplyCancel

  • Meredith - I’m just loving your posts! I love the insight into your parenting with Tucker, and I love your attitude. It’s so positive!! So glad to get to know you and your blog better. And, did you really take all the heads off your barbies at night?? Too funny.September 10, 2014 – 3:47 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I love your posts, too, Meredith and thank you so very much! And, um, yeah, I took their heads off. I was convinced that they’d do stuff without me (maybe even be mean to me) so I hid their heads from their bodies every night. Therapy, anybody? 😉September 11, 2014 – 12:47 amReplyCancel

  • Chris Carter - Now HOW on EARTH did I miss this one? Oh my… I am SO glad you shared it in P Blops. 🙂

    You are such an amazing writer, Kristi. I was right there with you in the 70’s with every detail you described so eloquently and I believe in all the things you believe in too. (Accept I don’t believe I be-headed dolls, just a Kristi thang! lol)

    May we all love our babies exactly as they are and believe in all that is good and gifted in motherhood. LOVED THIS so much.September 10, 2014 – 5:07 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Aw, thank you Chris. Here’s to the 70’s and teaching our kids that once, way back when, we had to stretch a phone cord over an ugly fridge to talk to our friends. And yeah, maybe the doll thing was a me thing. I didn’t mean it in a mean way – just to keep them from walking around without me way. Here’s too, to our babies. Exactly as they are.September 11, 2014 – 12:49 amReplyCancel

  • Kathleen O'Donnell - I believed in Bobby Sherman. I believe I’m getting old. I believe this is a beautiful post that made me cry.September 11, 2014 – 2:43 pmReplyCancel

  • Quirky Chrissy - My pet rock’s name was Toby. I loved him.September 11, 2014 – 3:44 pmReplyCancel

  • Diane - Amazing, Kristi! And a plea for all of us with special, wonderful, perfect children who just happen to struggle with some aspect of life. Thank you.September 11, 2014 – 4:26 pmReplyCancel

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