You’re both heading toward the apple isle, landing at the same bin of Honey Crisps. “Sorry,” you say, folding your shoulders inwards, looking down. Making yourself smaller for the man. You wait for him to choose his apples first, as if choosing first is his birthright. You look around the store, waiting for him to finish. Sheesh. I really want to forget feelings of being small and afraid. I want to stride confidently to the Honey Crisps and choose the best ones first.
I Want To Forget Submissive
You wait until you’re six months along before drawing in enough courage to tell your boss you’re pregnant. “Is it mine?” he asks, laughing. “I said the same thing to Lauren when she told me she’s pregnant,” he says. You smile, swallowing your disgust. “It’s a good job, and you’re lucky to have it,” you remind yourself. “Maybe he’ll pay me during maternity leave” you think.
At 21 years old, your boss gives you a promotion. You now manage his mother, who owns the building you work in. He asks you to go to Chicago with him. “For work?” you ask. “For whatever,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. You laugh, and walk away. He asks another woman to go with him, and she does. When they get back, they sit on one side of the conference table, you on the other. They fire you. You apologize, slink out with your hair covering your face hoping you won’t trip carrying your box of photos and pens from home down the stairs, and out the front door.
I Want To Forget Harassment As “Normal”
“You tease,” he snarls when you say you want to go home. “I’m sorry,” you murmur, wondering whether he’ll let you walk out his front door. He’s sitting next to your purse on the couch, and you consider leaving it behind, but your keys are in it. He seems to weigh his options, takes a long pull from his beer. He’s had a lot of them, and you think how dumb you are to have gone home with him in the first place. “I’m sorry,” you say again. “Fine, just go, bitch,” he slurs, and throws your purse at you. You sweep the fallen contents up, and head to the door, apologizing again, for being stupid and for not being or doing what he wanted.
I Want To Forget Being Pressured And Afraid
It’s only 5:30 p.m. but it’s grown dark outside. People exit the bus and there are only a few of you left. One is the creepy looking guy who keeps staring at you. You consider getting off the bus before your stop to get away from him, but then you’d have to wait in the cold for the next one to come so you remain seated. Stand up, and sit again, unsure of your place here, or anywhere. You get off at your stop and he follows you. “Probably just being paranoid,” you tell yourself, gripping your keys between your knuckles the way your brother showed you. You walk faster, and refrain from looking behind you to see if he’s still there. You know he is. You walk past your own front door, not wanting him to know it’s where you sleep, and continue to the 7-11. He follows you but leaves finally, once you’ve waited inside for what feels like forever.
You wait a little longer, and buy a Big Gulp even though you don’t really want one. As you’re paying, the clerk smiles at you. His front teeth are brown behind his chapped lips. “Smile, pretty lady,” he says. You grimace-smile, leave the safety of the brightly lit store and run home, spilling your Big Gulp on the side of your pants and shoe. You’ll take the later bus home from work for two weeks, hoping to not see him again. Luckily, you don’t.
I Want To Forget To Smile When A Random Dude Tells Me To
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week’s prompt is “I wish I could forget…” and though I planned to write something very different (more of a things I want to remember from this month and this life), when I sat down, this came out. I suppose the anger and injustice I feel over women and minorities continually shrinking and apologizing to white men has been within me for a long time, although I don’t think I have ever been as aware of this as in recent years, where things like that rapist (what if it’d been a girl behind the dumpster?) getting away with three months or whatever when young girls can be imprisoned for choosing body autonomy – a basic human right. I suppose that’s one thing to thank 45 for – his gross mistreatment of pretty much everybody and everything has made me much more aware.
And The Good News Is When We’re Aware, We Roar, For We Are Women. #Resist #Persist
by Kristi Campbell
Rebecca - You nailed it, Kristi! It’s all about being aware of how we are coming across, what we are subconsciously doing (body language), and what we are saying (stop saying “I’m sorry” for arriving at the Honeycrisp apples first!). When we become aware, we can become more mindful of our actions. We can be kind without being submissive. We can choose morning to smile without feeling like we are being mean. We can quickly embrace our gut feelings without second guessing ourselves!June 13, 2019 – 9:04 pm
Rebecca - Substitute the word “not” for the word “morning.” Don’t know how that popped up in there!June 13, 2019 – 9:48 pm
Kristi Campbell - You’re so right that we can be kind without being submissive or feel like we’re being mean. I don’t get why women are so conditioned to be smaller for men, but I don’t want to do it any longer for sure and thank you for your kind words!!June 14, 2019 – 10:16 pm
Linda Atwell - This is so right on. You always right the exact thing I need to read. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And I believe we (women) are getting stronger. At 61, I’m feeling stronger than ever in the “man” arena. I am standing up for myself and not allowing men to intimidate me. I hope I can continue to be strong. I hope more women feel this power. You are awesome!June 13, 2019 – 11:26 pm
Kristi Campbell - Aw THANK YOU for saying that and I think women are getting stronger too, and I’m trying really hard to speak out when I feel mansplained to, or small… or at least reverse the dialogue in my head from submissive to equal. And my friend, YOU are awesome!June 14, 2019 – 10:18 pm
Zoe - I want no reason to have to forget….well written my friendJune 14, 2019 – 12:10 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, sweets. I want no reason to have to forget too. <3June 14, 2019 – 10:18 pm
Lizzi - I wish so vehemently that no woman had these things TO forget. That day will be an excellent one.June 14, 2019 – 5:31 am
Kristi Campbell - That day will be an excellent one indeed. I wish this as well. xoJune 14, 2019 – 10:19 pm
Emily - I know you didn’t intend to write about this, but it was really well done. Hits home for every woman, or at least for me it did. Thanks for writing it.June 14, 2019 – 7:22 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you Emily! <3 I guess sometimes, we just write what we actually want to say. I felt weird that it was so rough draft but then decided I liked it that way a little bit.June 14, 2019 – 10:20 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - Some of the best writing it unintended. You vented your point so well. I watched the new Ted Bundy movie on Netflix this week. It made me SOOOOO ill. I never liked Mark Harmon after the first one I watched, and now poor Zach is going to be on the list of actors I can’t look at because of the part they played in a movie. Even in death by electrocution I still say he got away with murder.June 14, 2019 – 7:55 am
Kristi Campbell - I think that’s true about unintended writing. Maybe not “best” (because of COURSE I can’t praise my own self) but needed, maybe. Or something like that. I haven’t watched the Ted Bundy and I’m honestly not sure I can. I know what you mean though about not liking an actor because of a part they play and seeing them that way forever. Some of the old actors are exceptions for me – maybe because they’ve played so many good and bad people that I can just see them for actors? I dunno if that makes sense.June 14, 2019 – 10:22 pm
Tamara - Amazing. You nailed what it’s like to be a woman these days, and in past days, and gosh I hope not future days. I don’t even know what I can add to this other than to tell you that I read every word. xoxoJune 14, 2019 – 7:59 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thank you for reading every word. xoxoxo And I, too, hope not future days.June 14, 2019 – 10:22 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - Yep that makes sense. I didn’t like Danny Glover after The Color Purple but after he did all the Lethal Weapon movies I was fine. But now I can’t look at Lethal Weapon because of the real Mel GIbson.June 17, 2019 – 6:55 am
Kristi Campbell - UGH and I used to love Mel Gibson. Not anymore though.June 18, 2019 – 1:10 pm
Christine Carter - Girl, these are all so gut-wrenching and I nodded along reading every one of them, thinking about ALL the times I felt the exact same way in similar situations.
Thank you for writing your truth and for using your voice to roar and rise in this day and age when we CAN.June 17, 2019 – 8:53 am
Kristi Campbell - I hope there’s a day when no woman (or anybody) feels this way!June 18, 2019 – 1:11 pm