We’ve all heard stories about wishes coming true leading to misfortune and doom. But what if we wish for something to happen in the future? If there’s no monkey’s paw involved, we can at least hope, right?
This week’s Finish the Sentence Friday prompt is “If I could have a conversation with anybody, it’d be…” I thought about people I admire, and friends I don’t get enough time with. Really though, the one conversation I want above all others is summed up in a post I wrote almost seven years ago, called “The Year 2059.”
This week’s post is mostly a re-write of that one. If I could make one wish, it’s to have a conversation with my grown son. To tell his children about him and our life.
If I Could Make One Wish
I’ll be almost 91 years old after celebrating Tucker’s 50th birthday with him. I wish that I’m able to tell his children – my grandchildren – about how, once, many years ago, their daddy called airplanes “ninees.” I want to infuse their smiles with laughter and awe and I want them to ask for more stories about their daddy when he was still my young little boy.
I want to tell them about how we didn’t have cell phones or the Internet when I was their age. They’ll think I’m fibbing when I tell stories about trying to refold paper maps.
Seated in the Grandma Chair, perhaps with a blanket around my legs because I’ll get cold those days, I wish to see grandchildren giggle and vie for my attention.

I want to see them get sleepy by my feet while my son’s amazing wife brings me a hot cup of tea, or a glass of wine, depending on the occasion.
I Wish I’ll Be Able To Talk To My Grown Son In Many Years
After they’re in bed, my greatest wish is to talk to then-Tucker. To see him living a full life filled with love, children, and meaningful everythings. Laughter. While I hope we’ll always be close, I know that jobs and life get in the way, and I wish he’ll know how much he’s loved. How much he’s always been loved.
Saying “Happy Birthday!” on his 50th while he rolls his eyes at me is my greatest wish. Being there. Blowing out a candle with him, wishing him the same fulfillment and pride in watching his own children grow up that I celebrated with him.
I want him to know how much he made me better. Made everything better. And I want him to know that whether he is a grocery bagger or an engineer, that I am blessed, beyond all of the beyonds, to be his mom.
If I Could Make One Wish
Today, if I could make one wish, it’s to be alive and with my then-grown son in the year 2059. To remind him that of the most important moments mattered more because of him. Maybe, we’ll talk about the ways he chose to change the world.
If I could make one wish, it’s to have a sweet celebration and conversation with my grown son in the future.
If you could make one wish, what would it be?
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, with the prompt “If I could have a conversation with anybody, it’d be…”
by Kristi Campbell
Emily - Seeing your illustration of you as a Grandma in the Metallica t-shirt just made my day. 🙂March 6, 2020 – 12:17 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, you. I know you get it. oxoxoMarch 6, 2020 – 9:54 pm
Tamara - I love what you did with this prompt so much! And hey maybe you’ll be nearly 101 on his 60th. You never really know! Keep getting that good Colorado fresh air.March 8, 2020 – 5:02 pm
Kristi Campbell - OMG I can hope right? xoMarch 9, 2020 – 10:43 pm
Twindaddy - If I could have one wish it would be this: I’ve already seen two of my boys grown. I just want to make it to see the third.March 10, 2020 – 5:24 am
Kristi Campbell - Me too. May us both be able to. <3March 19, 2020 – 7:26 pm
Lydia - Hmmm…i love your wish!!!! Although its very Miss America and cliche, I really would love the world to chill the eff out. I wouldn’t wish just for peace cuz that could happen under a dictatorship but peace the way I know people of concience envision it.March 26, 2020 – 1:16 am
Lydia - Geeze I totally meant to say….now that my kid is an adult ….that you have made the right wish! Tucker reminds me sooo much of my guy and I gotta say they are both two of my favorites (then and now) .I would give my wish to you just for this one to come true ….you will get there metalicca gramma!!!March 26, 2020 – 1:22 am