Usually, I’ve got nothing but massive amounts of love for my car’s navigational system. Because I am so horribly directionally challenged, I use it pretty much all the time. Even when I know which way to go, I sometimes ask her to provide me with route guidance just to see what time she thinks we’ll […]
by Kristi Campbell
Joy - Tee hee! Glad you still found your way! 🙂
BTW, I love those pictures painted by you! How do you do them?November 28, 2012 – 8:17 am
admin - Thanks, Joy! I just do them in Photoshop with a mouse. It’d probably be easier with a touchpad but I don’t have one, so…November 28, 2012 – 9:49 am
Joy - I might have to try that, too! 🙂November 28, 2012 – 11:28 am
admin - It’s actually tons of fun. Whether anybody appreciates how bad they are or not, I have a blast drawing the pics!November 28, 2012 – 11:30 am
Sara - Ha! Sounds like Tucker’s been re-programming it to mess w/ Mommy! …..OR…maybe it’s nothing nefarious at all and she just KNEW that there was traffic and road closures you should avoid, thereby saving you hours of headache and aggravation. She might still have your back.
Btw, I have found SO many ninees in the pictures. I’ve gotten really good at it. *beam, beam*November 28, 2012 – 10:02 am
admin - Sara, be proud! You’re the number one ninee finder. Next time you visit, you can choose your own tiny ninee from our collection (when Tucker’s not looking of course and I have to make sure it’s not a favorite that he’ll search for). YAY YOU!November 28, 2012 – 10:55 am