Today’s Our Land was authored by the fabulous and wonderful Emily, of Oh Boy Mom. I’ve recently mentioned her, but really, I cannot say enough amazing things about one of my first ever blog friends. She’s warm, funny, brilliant, gifted, and real. She writes about maintaing humor through motherhood, raising three boys, and, most recently, about her 9-year old […]
by Kristi Campbell
Kenya G. Johnson - Beautiful Emily! You gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes at Ava is hope. She has a beautiful spirit. Kids ARE resilient!August 13, 2014 – 9:58 am
Kristi Campbell - Kids really are resilient and awesome. Thanks so much, Kenya! I love this one, too!August 13, 2014 – 10:11 am
Janine Huldie - Like Kenya, i am now fighting back tears and thank you for sharing Ava’s story here with us today. Kids are definitely resilient and have seen this with my own kids when they hurt themselves (maybe not on the same level), but still does amaze me so.August 13, 2014 – 10:45 am
Kristi Campbell - Janine, thank you so much and you know, they are resilient and really, the same level doesn’t matter (I mean it does, but everybody’s here is still here and our own realities are our own and yes, resilience is resilience, if that makes sense!!!). It amazes me, too!!!August 13, 2014 – 9:03 pm
Dana - The human spirit amazes me, and Ava’s spirit certainly is exceptional. I hope it continues to shine – thank you for sharing your story here, Emily.August 13, 2014 – 11:37 am
Kristi Campbell - I agree that Ava is amazing and that so is Emily. Here’s to sharing pediatric cancer stories that are full of bouncing balls and hope.August 13, 2014 – 10:38 pm
Mike - Ok, now that I’ve wiped the tears out of my eyes temporarily I will hopefully be able to type a coherent response. This was incredibly powerful, Emily. We all have our own interpretation of life events and I try to see as many of mine from a spiritual perspective. I’m not a religious person whatsoever. The second I read the part about Ava bouncing down the hall to meet you on your first day it hit me in my gut. She’s an angel and an old soul. Meaning on a celestial plane. I truly believe in that and her energy and will to overcome and adapt is on one level. Her ability to express outwardly kindness, warmth and a sense of comfort is beyond reproach. We bless her so very much with right and perfect health in her journey. And in the same step we send as many heartfelt blessings to your son. Despite your difficult moments please always send him positive energy and believe in nothing more of his ability to heal and overcome this horrible deck of cards he was dealt far too early in his precious life. If he’s ever having a really rough day have him look up my Golden Retriever, Phoenix. He’s a cancer survivor. Love and blessings to you and your family. Thank you for sharing Emily and her story with us, Kristi 🙂August 13, 2014 – 12:49 pm
Emily - Thank you Mike for such a thoughtful and inspiring reply – it means a lot that you wanted to take the time to write your thoughts about Ava and kids like her and my son. I’m not a religious person either and I’ve struggled with how to deal with these challenges without having a place of worship and religious community to rely upon. It truly helps to know that people genuinely care and want to support us. I’m going to keep re-reading your words because I find them to be uplifting so thank you!! And Kristi, thank you so much again for sharing my post on your Our Land space…I am realizing that not only was I describing empathy for another child enduring an awful challenge, but I am receiving wonderful empathetic replies to my story too.:)August 13, 2014 – 4:01 pm
Kristi Campbell - Both to Mike and Phoenix and Emily –
(for the history part, Emily, Mike’s baby, who happens to be a Golden Retriever) battled a cancer that the doctors told him that he could not win, and yet, he did. He’s cancer-free. Am only mentioning that because I’m not sure whether the two of you are familiar with one another or not – if not, you probably would like to be because you’re both amazing and lovely and awesome).
Mike, I agree that Ava is either an old soul or one just gifted with living in the now. I hope so much that it’s not her disease that has made her be the one to live in the now. My takeaway is that we never know anybody’s stories, that all of ours are amazing, and important, and REAL and right here, now. And that they’re all meaningful and important. Also well I love you guys. For real.August 13, 2014 – 10:43 pm
Emily - Aw thanks Kristi and love you right back! I did see from Mike’s response that he has a Golden Retriever who survived cancer…I am a HUGE dog lover so I adore that story even more! And Kristi, your takeaway is spot on.:)August 14, 2014 – 5:04 pm
Kristi Campbell - 🙂 🙂 🙂August 14, 2014 – 7:04 pm
Tamara - Wiping tears away too. And I do read Emily’s blog regularly! She’s a fantastic writer.August 13, 2014 – 4:59 pm
Emily - Tamara, thank you for reading my post here and for being a regular reader of my blog too. 🙂August 13, 2014 – 7:07 pm
Kristi Campbell - She so is. And I promise, that you are SO NOT screwed. You got this, mama. I swear.August 13, 2014 – 10:49 pm
Ruchira Khanna - Seeing such individuals who fight bravely makes me such a weakling. I hope Ava is doing fine, and what a fine story!
Emily is a fine individual and I am in awe of her after hearing her recent fight with her younger one!
Thank you Kristi for hosting her 🙂August 13, 2014 – 6:27 pm
Don - Whew, I thought there was going to be a sad ending and I was going to bawl! I can picture Ava and the type of kid she is and I love her already. Great read. Hope your boy is doing well.August 13, 2014 – 7:57 pm
Emily - Thanks Don and glad you enjoyed it and that I painted a picture of Ava that you can embrace…my son is doing well and is actually away at sleepaway camp right now! 🙂August 13, 2014 – 8:38 pm
Kristi Campbell - I KNOW. Me, too. Here’s to the happyfuckingendings and life being better than we thought it may be!!August 13, 2014 – 10:50 pm
Lisa @ Golden Spoons - What an angel Ava was to you and, I’m sure, many others! The spirit of children is amazing and often much more resilient than adults.August 13, 2014 – 11:04 pm
Kristi Campbell - So much more resilient than adults!!! And thanks, Lisa!!!August 13, 2014 – 11:21 pm
My Inner Chick - We can all learn great life lessons from Ava.
She is an angel on earth & she shall be one in heaven, as well.August 14, 2014 – 1:53 am
Kristi Campbell - I agree that we can all learn amazing life lessons from Ava and all the people who are like her!August 14, 2014 – 10:12 am
Out One Ear - Linda Atwell - A lovely story in the mist of sadness. Ava is inspirational. And so are you.August 14, 2014 – 2:46 am
Kristi Campbell - I agree, Linda!!!August 14, 2014 – 10:13 am
K - So beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!August 14, 2014 – 9:41 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, K. I thought it was really beautiful, too!August 14, 2014 – 10:18 am
Elizabeth - What a beautiful story. I hope all ended well and happily.August 14, 2014 – 2:33 pm
Kristi Campbell - Me too, Elizabeth. Me,too.August 14, 2014 – 7:23 pm
Roshni AaMom - It’s just amazing how resilient kids are! My heart goes out to the family! How sweet those two girls are!
Thanks so much for relating this story here, Emily!August 14, 2014 – 7:05 pm
Roshni AaMom - It’s just amazing how resilient kids are! My heart goes out to the family! How sweet those two girls are!
Thanks so much for relating this story here, Emily!August 14, 2014 – 7:05 pm
Rebecca - Gosh, this post is incredibly humbling and puts my whines in perspective. That Ava really is something but I can’t help but note that you are so strong and selfless yourself! I can’t wait to read more from you, thanks for changing my dayAugust 14, 2014 – 8:03 pm
Kristi Campbell - Rebecca, I think this post puts all of our whines in perspective, but also reminds us that all of our whines are OURS and important. When we struggle, and grieve, and feel sad, it’s okay to do so – I don’t think the “but it could be worse” is helpful, until, well, it is helpful because it always can be, if that makes sense. Because all of our challenges are ours and here, in our homes. And that’s okay. But it’s also important to remember that we don’t know what the neighbors’ struggles are, if that makes sense!August 14, 2014 – 11:47 pm
Emily - Thanks Rebecca and I’m flattered in an odd way that my post had such a day-changing effect on you…I agree with Kristi’s comments and it sort of reminds me of that meme that is always floating around Facebook, which reads something like (I can’t recall the exact words): “Always smile at people because you never know what challenge they are facing.” It’s true!August 15, 2014 – 7:34 pm
Sandy Ramsey - Such a beautiful story about a true warrior. I know we all have our own struggles and our own issues and they are real to each of us. But Ava’s story can certainly put things in perspective. It sounds to me like Ava is doing what we should all do, ill or not, and that’s live the life we are given to its fullest. I don’t think I’ll be forgetting about this young girl any time soon. Thank you so much for sharing this.August 15, 2014 – 7:56 pm
Kristi Campbell - Sandy, I completely agree that Ava’s story puts things into perspective. Here’s to all of us living the lives we have to their fullest!!August 19, 2014 – 1:27 pm
marcia @ Menopausal Mother - What an amazing little girl. As a parent, I cannot evenbegin to fathom what the family was feeling. And all the while Ava had a smile on her face through adversity. Incredible.August 15, 2014 – 10:31 pm
Kristi Campbell - Marcia, I agree that she seems like one amazing little girl! Incredible, indeed.August 19, 2014 – 1:28 pm
Yvonne - Oh, what a lot you and your son have been through Emily. I think you are right that you will always remember Ava. People like her, who come into our lives at such difficult times remain somehow. Sorry this is so pathetic – I can’t find the words to say what I mean!
I’ll just say I wish you and your son well, and that Ava also thrives.August 16, 2014 – 11:08 am
Kristi Campbell - Yvonne, I think I know exactly what you mean and it’s not pathetic at all. I think that Ava will remain for all of us who had the gift of reading about her amazing, bright self.August 19, 2014 – 1:29 pm
Christine Carter - Oh my heart. What a beautiful and inspiring story about a girl with HOPE. I am praying for a miracle… Thank you Emily Mitty Cappo- for sharing such a profound and powerful experience. There are “Ava”s everywhere…August 17, 2014 – 1:45 pm
Brittnei - Oh my! Ava is so amazingly precious. It is also so hard for me to read stories like this. They tend to feel so personal like I know the people and they are in my life. She is definitely an example of hope for us all. 🙂August 18, 2014 – 2:23 pm
Kristi Campbell - I agree about her being an example of hope for all of us and know what you mean about stories such as this being personal and affecting us deeply.August 19, 2014 – 1:30 pm
Stephanie Smith Sprenger - Oh, Emily, I can’t believe I didn’t catch this post last week. I just don’t know what to say, except that after I finish crying, this story will haunt me for a long time. Thanks for sharing this with Our Land, and for just being who you are. August 19, 2014 – 2:39 pm