They say nobody really changes. In some ways, I suppose that’s true. People show us who they are and it’s important to believe them, rather than hope we can make a jealous, possessive person sane, for example. But as the seasons change, don’t we change a little with them? “Seasons change and so do I.”
Here are ten things about changing seasons and a changing life…
1 – It was a warm Saturday night in late spring, and I’d visited dozens of dogs, looking for the right one for me when I found Chief. “Why’s he so skinny?” I asked. “They all are,” the shelter people said. Turns out he had Giardia. It’d be many months before he was healthy. He was my keeper of secrets for 12 years of changing seasons.
2- On an early fall day that still felt like summer, we visited dozens of dogs, looking for the right one for Tucker. “Can we have this one?” he asked about every. single. one. We’re still looking for his keeper of secrets.
3 – On a hot July day, my husband took a photo of my swollen belly before we went to dinner. We ordered extravagantly from the chichi menu at our favorite non-kid-friendly restaurant. “Can you believe tomorrow, at this time, we’ll have a baby?” I said.
He’s good at many things. Not taking blurry photos isn’t one of them.
“Let’s keep us,” we said.
But the us we knew no longer existed, and once we met our son, we forgot. We became a new us.
4 – It was winter the day I promised to be a better me. Tucker’s made so much progress that his new school is re-evaluating him. I’m pretty sure they’re going to drastically cut his support hours back, and I’m trying to not worry in advance. To be a better me, in this and every season.
5 – It’s September here, and school’s been in session for a month. I’m breathing through the changes, through them saying my not-so-little little boy is “fine” in many areas. Out of seven tests, he passed five. On one of them, he scored in the third percentile. I’m being a better me while waiting for them to tell me what they recommend, and I’ll be the best me whether I accept or fight their findings.
6 – Winter had recently become spring the day I went east for a job and a new life. It’d be a few more months before I was able to walk away from he who wanted to keep me on a shelf. It’d be years before I realized how harmful that relationship was.
7 – Mid-summer, when the days are long, and the season seems to last forever. We drove away from the life we’d made, headed back to Colorado. That’s when we realized that moving for the US Government is less than ideal *cough.*
8 – The aspen trees will soon change. I can’t wait to show Tucker and Robert. It’s so different from the east coast. Each, beautiful in its way.
9 – I can’t remember if it was still winter the day an evaluator said “I’ll tell you now. It’s not just a speech delay.”
10 – It’s technically fall although it feels like summer, and it seems we may be close to me having to show new people it’s “not just a speech delay,” although we’re closer to that than we have been for years. I’m thankful for that. Also, nervous. I’ll keep you posted.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, where my excellent co-host Kenya Johnson of Sporadically Yours and I invite you to our linkup. This week’s prompt is a 10 Things Listicle – 10 things about the changing of the seasons.
Also? Kenya and her family have had to evacuate for the hurricane. Please keep them and all people (and animals) facing this frightening storm in your thoughts, as will I.
by Kristi Campbell
Kenya G. Johnson - #8 is sweet – something you’ve experienced that you can’t wait to share with your family. And wow to #3, that was your day before belly? Mine was ginormous. I guess it depends on what the position the baby is in. I think Christopher was stretched out. Well and he was also 10 pounds. I love the nostalgic sweet memories of your post, and the heartbreak of #9 and how wonderful everything has turned out. I hope you get a keeper of secrets soon. I think it’s time and maybe he or she is just getting there as you’re about to rescue them.September 13, 2018 – 8:41 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks about #8. One thing I’ve really enjoyed about being in Colorado is showing them stuff that I remember as a girl and later. And yeah, that was my day before belly. I never really got that big for some reason (also that was 39 weeks because they induced me and I’ve heard the last week is big for growth). Tucker was only 6lbs 9.5 oz… And I hope we can find the perfect dog for us soon too. There’s an adoption event Sunday (fingers crossed).September 14, 2018 – 5:31 pm
JT Walters - I have accepted life is painful. I can even learn from it or be doomed to repeat it.
Please let me know about Tux.
I am trying to let go of negativity, forgive and love more.
I also trying to trust God.
Love the blog!!September 13, 2018 – 9:40 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thank you and I’ll definitely keep you posted about him and what happens!September 14, 2018 – 5:32 pm
Lisa@TheGoldenSpoons - Ah, the seasons of life. I still have to remind myself that you are in Colorado now! I hope things go well with Tucker’s new school & evaluations. If not, I know you will fight to get him what he needs – I just hope you don’t have to.September 14, 2018 – 9:29 am
Kristi Campbell - Exactly what you said. I’ll fight for sure but so hope I won’t have to!!September 14, 2018 – 5:32 pm
Allison Smith - I can’t wait to hear what they say! And u know/think this transition must be rough, but at least maybe you git to go back to a place you love! Hang in there!September 14, 2018 – 9:55 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Allie! Yeah, I can’t wait to hear what they say too! The transition is rough for sure but I missed Colorado and it’s really nice being closer to my dad and one of my brothers families.September 14, 2018 – 5:33 pm
Emily - You had me at the part about searching for a “keeper of secrets” for Tucker — exciting!…keep us posted on that too! (and everything else of course…)September 14, 2018 – 12:33 pm
Kristi Campbell - I definitely will! There’s an adoption event Sunday we’re going to – fingers crossed!September 14, 2018 – 5:34 pm
Lizzi - Hope you find T a secret-keeper soon. And fingers crossed for not too much fighting needed with the school!!September 15, 2018 – 3:09 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, me too, to both!September 15, 2018 – 1:03 pm
Christine Carter - Loved this and my gosh, so many huge moments in those seasons past and this particular season present. Anxious to hear how things unfold for that sweet Tucker. You are SUCH a good mama.
I am still so excited you are in Colorado- because my gosh, it’s COLORADO. Hoping also that Tucker is transitioning well with his new home, new school, new life too.
And I saw on FB YOU FOUND HIM A KEEPER OF SECRETS!! HE’S ADORABLE!!!!September 16, 2018 – 8:15 pm
Kristi Campbell - WE DID FIND HIM A KEEPER OF SECRETS! He’s sitting on the floor with her right now, giggling. I think we made the right choice (although I was up at 1am and 4am before the usual 6:45 am.. she’ll get there though). Thank you! And aw to the good mama. I hope so – I know YOU ARE ONE. Also yes, Colorado!!!September 17, 2018 – 8:16 pm