I was going through old Halloween posts because Finish the Sentence Friday goes live in mere minutes, and I haven’t started. Haven’t even thought about it honestly. Also? I’m so in love with old Halloween photos. Robert’s wearing a fake belly, in case you were wondering. Yes, he’s a weird weirdo.
This still cracks me up, so many years later. The look on Tucker’s face! LOL.

Anyway, in one post, there’s a video of Tucker from four years ago. Watching it tonight did my heart good. OMG friends, he’s come so far with his speech. I was a little blown away. I guess I’d forgotten what he sounded like at age six, but also remember at age six thinking how far he’s come.
It’s strange how we become used to life as it is in the moment and don’t always see the progress. It’s also too easy to become swept up in whatever opinion is directly in front of us.
Speech Therapy
We recently had this year’s IEP meeting with Tucker’s new school, and his speech therapist told us she can’t justify more than 15 minutes a week because “there are kids with much greater needs than he has.” To say I was fuming would be an understatement. “What I’m hearing is that there aren’t enough speech people to provide services to all the kids here who need them,” I replied. This is true, but they don’t see it because they’ve never worked at a school like the ones we had back in northern Virginia. Rather than arguing (more speech at school means less time in general education), I decided we’d once again get private speech therapy.
I mentioned becoming swept into the opinion in front of us – I became a bit swept away in the possibility that Tucker doesn’t really need as many services as he used to. He has friends, and occasionally I hear him mention that he has a “speech condition” to those friends, but mostly, people understand him.
Well, we went to a private speech evaluation, and the results broke my heart a little. For the most part, he’s primarily working on “R” sounds now, which felt like no big deal. But, since he’s 10 years old, it’s kind of a big deal. He qualified not just for speech, but for speech twice a week. In some ways, I suppose it’s validating to see his low percentage, knowing the speech person at school was wrong (and I was right). At the same time, it’s a bit heartbreaking knowing he *still* qualifies for twice a week support. Which is a super-long way to say why the video of him at age six filled my bucket.
Because, progress.
Oh, and yes, this is supposed to be a post about Halloween. Ta-da! The video from four years ago.
In my 2015 post about Black Day, I didn’t include the follow-up with his mask, but it’s too adorable to not share here.
We haven’t yet put our decorations up yet this year but plan to start tonight. I promised Tucker we’d do some today but he was playing, I was working, and boom, it’s 8:00 p.m. He’s off school today and tomorrow, so we have time. He’s had his costume since August. I’ll likely be a Handmaiden again.
Also, look at him. Eeep.
Black Day Book Give-Away
Seeing Tucker’s video about Black Day makes me want to give away another copy.
Comment letting me know you’d like to win a copy and I’ll pick a winner and send you one!
It’s SUCH a great book, written by Marcus Sikora. He’s an actor, a writer, and he has Down Syndrome. I’ve met him a few times, and he’s as awesome as he sounds. I’ll get to see him again at this year’s Be Beautiful, Be Yourself fund-raiser for Down Syndrome, and I can’t wait. Last year’s event was life-changing and affirming. We even got to dine with an Avenger. Robert shook his head at me bidding on a red carpet experience. If I’d have known it was End Game? I would have bid anyway.
Thank you to Mardra (Marcus’ mom and our photo-prompt co-host) for inviting us to THIS YEAR’S EVENT. I’ll forever be a fan of Be Beautiful, Be Yourself, an amazing and duh – beautiful – event that I wasn’t even aware of a bit more than a year ago.
This has been a very rambling Finish the Sentence Friday post with the prompt “Halloween.” Obviously, Halloween memories brought speech goals and progress and all the things to mind, and I wrote about speech therapy, Halloween, and a Black Day book give-away. Thank goodness the host is forgiving this way.
by Kristi Campbell
Tamara - “You don’t know my name because I come from another planet. It’s called Ninja Planet!” SO. CUTE!
I love the fake belly (and you explaining it.. hahaha) and his faces in those photos!
Would always love to win a book to read!October 18, 2019 – 8:41 am
Kristi Campbell - I’ll enter you and I love Ninja Planet, too. I’d forgotten about it. I (of course) adore every age but gah, do I miss babier him!October 20, 2019 – 8:59 pm
Jen Kupper - You are the special needs legend I think I saw your video and thank you. I sent you a friend request I hope you will accept.October 18, 2019 – 11:57 pm
Kristi Campbell - Hardly legend! I’ll definitely accept your friend request. Unless, you’re like a bot or whatever 😉October 20, 2019 – 9:00 pm
Rebecca Vaughn - YAY!!! You get to go experience the whole event again! I’m so excited for you. Hooray that Tucker will get the needed speech therapy so he can blossom even more. He’s come SO FAR and I know that with the twice a week therapy, he’ll master those difficult R sounds. I think it’s so cool that Tucker doesn’t feel so embarrassed anymore this. We all have our difficulties, Tucker. You are a superhero in my book because you keep on showing up and trying each and every day!October 21, 2019 – 10:24 am
Kristi Campbell - I’m so grateful to be experiencing the event again. I need to find out if my dad’s up for having Tucker for like eight hours again this year… or maybe his cousins. And yeah, he’s come SO FAR but it was sad to see the % for kids his age. I mean, I expected it, but still. Here’s to trying and showing up for all of us – the boys and their mamas!!October 21, 2019 – 8:22 pm
Christine Carter - Oh, friend, I know that disappointment well- that startle of reality in learning your child needs more help than you thought- but OH am I glad he will get it!
Those old Halloween pics and videos are PRECIOUS.October 27, 2019 – 9:50 am
Kristi Campbell - LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!November 1, 2019 – 11:27 pm