For this week’s Finish the Sentence Friday, Kenya suggested sharing 10 photos from our phones, which I thought would be easy (after all, I could show you 10 of puppy Nugget and be done with it because she really is that adorable). Turns out, it was more difficult than I thought. I ended up choosing ten photos of daily and occasionally spectacular life. The moments we capture show the daily, the blurry, and every once in a while, the spectacular hidden within.
Since moving to Colorado (thankful for Colorado!!), we walk to school – a simple daily task. But also, spectacular. Here’s our view. Look how much it’s already changed in a few weeks.
It snowed yesterday but I didn’t get a photo. It looks different already.
We’ve been to a few different pumpkin festivals this year, including one in Erie, Colorado where we shot zombies with paintball guns from the back of a wagon and experienced a super-creepy haunted house. It was one where there were mannequins and also actors so you’re never sure which’ll jump out at you.
At that festival, we found a cool blue pumpkin. “Let’s keep it forever,” Tucker said. “Well, at least until it rots.” Daily fall life. Also, spectacular.
Random adorable puppy photo of Nugget hanging out by the shower. Most photos of her taken outside are blurry. She’s actually blurry most of the time. Daily and spectacularly. Here though, she’s still.
Speaking of pumpkin festivals, my mom came out for a visit recently. Which has nothing to do with pumpkins or the festivals held to celebrate them, but we did go to a hot air balloon festival, and a super-cool Mexican restaurant on a river. Here’s Tucker with his Grandmo at the restaurant. And yes, he’s nine and taller than she is. He’ll be taller than me soon too. Gah. And, spectacular. She brought him her dad’s real mining pick axe and it’s his favorite thing ever.
Grandparents! There’s a better transition than pumpkins to my mom… my dad turned 80 years old recently and had all four of his awesomely amazing grandkids in town. It’s the first time all his grandkids have been together since we were all in Memphis a few years ago. 80 years old. Spectacular.
Can you believe my dad still has all his hair? Also, speaking of hair, for the first time in many years, Tucker’s hair is above his ears. And yeah, I know that’s a weak transition but this ten random photo thing means the photos aren’t related. I do what I can.

This photo doesn’t count toward my 10 – simply showing I miss his hair like this sometimes. His hair, his choice though.
I miss his long hair a little, but he’s gotten great compliments on this new style, which I love. I don’t so much love the time it takes in the morning for him to be sure it looks perfect. Mostly, because I’m never sure day-to-day what “perfect” means. Sometimes, perfect is messy and spiky. Sometimes, it’s neat. Like life.
On a recent random weekend, we visited Rampart Reservoir. I assume it looks like this every day. Tucker brought the mining pick axe my mom brought him. Because of course he did. He also sat on this rock for a really long time. Outdoors. Spectacular.
Another view of Rampart. I must have 40 photos of this place on my phone.
Tiny puppy (who has already almost doubled in size) in a huge beanbag. It looks like a black and white photo, but it’s not. Nugget and the beanbag are both just black and white and gray. Like daily life. And the occasionally spectacular. There’s something about each day that’s both.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week, while I’m still freaked out about special education support, I’m focusing on Ten Photos of Daily and Occasionally Spectacular Life for our prompt of sharing 10 photos from our phones. My wonderful co-host Kenya Johnson of Sporadically Yours came up with the prompt and I’m thankful to her for the reminder that within the daily tasks, and moments that become blurry with time, there is the spectacular to be found.
by Kristi Campbell
Kenya G. Johnson - Spectacular photos! This was a hard one to prepare for but I like sharing photos. We all aren’t necessarily connected on facebook or instagram, or we miss the posts or maybe didn’t share it anyway.
Your new view is beautiful! I can’t believe it snowed yesterday. I want some cooler air so bad. I guess by the time I’m falling in love with our cold air you’ll be hating yours.
I love Tuck’s new hairstyle! And wow to be so much taller than your mom!October 11, 2018 – 8:01 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks! And yeah, it was hard but I enjoyed it. I love our new view. Come visit! For real this time ah hem. It snowed but today it was sunny and you can’t even tell it snowed. Pikes Peak (the view) had snow on top of it today though – so pretty. And yeah, maybe hating our cold by the time you get yours but the sun is soooooo intense here (I blame my wrinkles on it for living here so long) that if it’s out, it feels warm-ish at 50-something. I love his hair too. But gah, soooo tall. I know you relate to that 😉October 12, 2018 – 8:05 pm
Janine Huldie - Absolutely love, Tucker’s new hair cut! I cannot believe how grown up he is looking. Seriously our babies are not babies anymore it would seem! Also, Happy 80th to your dad and glad he got to be with all his grandkids at once for it. 😉October 11, 2018 – 8:09 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Janine! I love it too but can’t believe how OLD he looks. IS. Gah. Thank you for my dad’s birthday wishes too.October 12, 2018 – 8:11 pm
Vickie - (I got a weird error message on the first attempt, so if this is a duplicate – sorry)
Wow! What views! And Rampart!!!! Beautiful! Glad Colorado is agreeing with you. I love the new hair but (tear) I love the long hair. They grow up, don’t they?October 11, 2018 – 8:41 pm
Kristi Campbell - I suspect the Facebook message thing is going away – sorry you got an error. I keep thinking of turning them off but then I’d lose all the old ones (I think). Rampart is amazing. Let me know if you’re ever out west! *TEAR* I loved the long hair too but it was a pain. This is easier. But still. SOBBBBBBBB.October 12, 2018 – 8:13 pm
JT Walters - Cool pics but it looks like the puppy is baby number 2 for you. What a breath taking view to wake up to in the morning. You could sit on your porch and have a cup of coffee just marveling at the view.October 11, 2018 – 8:45 pm
Kristi Campbell - All the views our here are incredible. And yeah, she’s a total baby. Pain in the butt and adorable.October 12, 2018 – 8:14 pm
Lizzi - LOVE his new hair. And the mining axe sounds way cool.
Mountains. Hmmm. They seem far enough away *fantods*October 11, 2018 – 11:31 pm
Kristi Campbell - Fantods? They’re majestic! And amazing! Do you get that way with the ocean too? I get that way when Tucker’s playing in the waves, but love the ocean. Anyway. I love his hair too but also miss it longer…October 12, 2018 – 8:15 pm
Christine Carter - Ahhhhhhhhh all of those photos are truly SPECTACULAR!!
That pup, oh my heart. And Tucker’s haircut makes him look so much OLDER! Such a handsome young manbaby. LOL
Love the shots with grandparents and ESPECIALLY the scenery- I am in awe of those mountains and that reservoir pic- just WOW. Breathtaking in every possible way.October 12, 2018 – 8:54 am
Kristi Campbell - She’s got my heart too, sweets. Good thing, because OMG she’s so much work too… I can’t believe Tucker’s hair. Or really, I can believe his hair, but not how old he is. GAHHHHHH. And come visit. Please? I’ll take you to the mountains and everywhere. Then we can chat on the porch. 😉October 12, 2018 – 8:18 pm
Emily - I was going to comment on Tucker’s new haircut because I noticed right away! He looks handsome and so grown up! And that Nugget…what a face! And finally, that view!! WOW…Colorado is definitely in the spectacular category.October 12, 2018 – 2:46 pm
Kristi Campbell - OMG his hair. His AGE. Grown UP!!! Gahhhhhhhh. And yeah, Nugget. She’s a keeper. And a pooper. A house pooper. Let me know when you’re in Colorado. Come visit. You must.October 12, 2018 – 8:19 pm
Allie - Great pictures. I’m a sucker for long hair, but I must say – Tucker is quite dashing with the cuffed hair~! Happy Birthday to dad. Your view is amazing. I can’t believe it snowed! Have you taken tucker up to Pike’s Peak yet? And he so tall (or your mom is really short). How tall is he? Robert’s really tall though, right?October 15, 2018 – 8:30 am
Kristi Campbell - I’m a sucker for the long hair too… and I miss it. But, I love his new cut too, and his “not a crush any longer” crush from last year said he was handsome with it so… my mom is SUPER short. 4″8 1/2. Robert’s super tall – or tall-ish. 6’2″. Tucker’s just shy of five feet. AT NINE. We have to buy size 14-16 clothes. The “man” clothes have too long arms and too big waists… sigh.October 15, 2018 – 9:44 pm