I wonder whether I’m in the Fall Season of my life, but don’t Google it as I don’t want to know-know. If life = 100 years, I’m entering the super-early beginning of my Fall season. I don’t recalculate the math if life = 86 years, or 92, 79, or tomorrow. I don’t bother with other numbers, knowing some of us become human-shaped holes too early in the lives of people who love us.
I mean, it’s always too early, but sometimes, it’s really too early-early, and we grieve with mamas and find butterfly magic to try and wrap our heads around loss. I could go down a rabbit-hole here, but will try to stay on topic.
Anyway, even though Fall is in the top four of my favorite seasons of the year, it’s also the 9:00 p.m. of the full day. Fall is three quarters of a whole.
Some things are better left unknown, like what season we’re experiencing right now in our lives. Rather than looking at Fall being the third phase of a whole, I think about how it’s a beginning.
The Fall Season Of Life Is Your New Beginning
School doesn’t start in January. Sharpened pencils sporting full-sized, still-working erasers, and notebooks with crisp pages waiting for whatever brilliance is written on them is happening now.
Now is the new beginning.
New teachers, a new school year, new perspectives. New clothes, even, because the Summer season isn’t as cruel to kids’ gangly, growing forever it seems limbs as the pants that fit a few months ago now being high-waters.
Each Fall, I’m surprised to notice sunset happening earlier. “It’s Fall now,” I remind myself. “September, actually.” “Duh.”
And yet, every night, I notice the setting sun, look at the clock, and experience genuine surprise. It’s 6:59 p.m. and my body thinks it’s 8:00-ish, although the same sun-setting thing’s been happening for a few weeks. A little earlier each day.
Having 80 degree weather and trees dressed in green doesn’t help, but still. School’s been in session for a month.
The Fall Season Of Life Is Your New Beginning
With Fall, there’s new learning, the promise of leaves crunching underfoot, and moments of profound greatness. A conversation with your son that you’d never prepared for, and rocked regardless.
The night you leave his room feeling like “I did this moment right,” and felt a profound sense of honor shadows the other 1,001 moments this month or this day you questioned yourself.
For this moment, you got it right. It’s Fall, and there’s promise. Seasons change, after all. And so do we.
It may be the third quarter on your ever-swishing calendar, and of your life, but it can be a new beginning, too. Fall just may be the season you decide to take up horseback riding after a (very) long absence.
It can be the season your fifth-grader makes a new friend, and comes home after playing with him to tell you they were in sewer drains, excited for adventure. Your heart will stop a bit, because you know how quickly rain comes, and how there’s no escaping flooding drains, but also, maybe this is the season you know kids will wander into open drains, and most of the time, they’re fine.
This can be the season you see the almost-unbearable-thankfulness that your kid had kids to play with today, and that they frolicked in the sunshine under a cloudless sky, rather than knowing how quickly clouds move in to fill up empty sewer drains.
This can be the season when you give thanks to the sky, to life, to a moment, and the time you decide not to take away your kid’s joy about sewers and drains by freaking out about safety.
He’s already got a broken arm, and not worrying about all the elses in the what elses that can happen can become your superpower.
Fall can be the time in your life when you realize you need to let go a little, and also live a little more yourself.
It can be when you know you’ll never jump out of a perfectly good airplane on purpose again, but also the time when you know you can still make the rest of your life whatever you want it to be, regardless of what the nine-o-clock nay-sayer in your brain tells you.
If it’s not obvious from the above, Fall can be when each of us takes note of life, and change what we need to change, to make the best of this new start. I’m working on that, and welcome your ideas and stories about your own Fall seasons, or falls in general.
*** This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post with the prompt “The best things about Fall…”
by Kristi Campbell
Kenya - I’m entering my favorite season even though it’s still going to be like a Colorado summer for awhile. Maybe not even as nice as a Colorado summer. But still it’s September 22nd and that already makes me feel happier than the official dates of Spring and Summer. AND crossing fingers and toes, Hurricane season is almost over and maybe we are done with what can affect us for this year.
Glad Tucker has made friends in the neighborhood!September 22, 2019 – 6:38 am
Kristi Campbell - I’m so glad hurricane season is probably hopefully over. What a pain, and so stressful. Ugh. I’m glad September 22 makes you happy – and I agree that it’s the feel of the days more than the official dates. I’m really glad he’s made friends, too. One even came with us to the airshow on Saturday – so nice. Keeping my fingers crossed for you with hurricanes being DONE.September 22, 2019 – 9:44 pm
Rebecca - Fall, such a reminder that we cannot control the cycles (changes) of life. I like how you challenge yourself to embrace the spontaneous happenings of life with a growing kid. Kids can teach us so much about letting go and being open to trying something new, as you poignantly write. Lovely post!September 22, 2019 – 2:10 pm
Kristi Campbell - I agree that kids are the very best when it comes to helping us remember to embrace spontaneous happenings. And letting go, and holding on. Thank you, friend!September 22, 2019 – 9:44 pm
Adelaide Dupont - I’m with Tucker!
Sewers and drains are really cool and joyous.
Me – I find joy – and consternation when it comes to red lights on cranes.
They remind me of port and starboard – or bow and stern – on ships.September 27, 2019 – 6:58 pm
Christine Carter - What a beautiful tribute to Fall, my friend! I consider it the beginning of the year too! I always feel that sense of new things, new goals, new dreams for my kids when they start school and our world changes dramatically into structured outlines of each day. How will it all go? I hope and pray all the days will be marked with significant growth and things that matter.
My favorite line: “The night you leave his room feeling like “I did this moment right,” and felt a profound sense of honor shadows the other 1,001 moments this month or this day you questioned yourself.” <— THIS.September 29, 2019 – 8:18 am