I used to think people who totally geeked out over Halloween were weird, but I’ve become one of them. I’m not sure exactly when it happened. Maybe in my 20’s when my friends and I dressed in group costumes and went to parties? Strengthened again once I had a baby to dress up? Or when that baby grew up to love Scooby Doo and everything creepy? That might be it.
Tucker’s certainly why I go overboard on Halloween decorations. Each year, we add something or other, and currently have the best-decorated house in our new neighborhood on our street. I know there’s time for the ambitious to surpass us by building haunted houses in their garages and everything, but for now?
Winning Halloween
I’m even considering getting Nugget a costume. I know. Gross. But we become what we become, in spite of vowing not to during younger, wiser years.
Here, take a look. We’re totally winning Halloween!
There’s a tinier grim reaper next to the one in the window. We’re all about details.
It’s hard to capture the creepiness on a sunny day. But it’s creepy, I promise.
A closer view of the porch. I had to hang the suspended creep from my window above using duct tape as a rope, as I had no rope.
The photos don’t really show the awesomeness. I took a video for Lizzi recently but didn’t have everything up. There are several scary decorations not shown, including our 30 foot inflatable scary ghost (it’s windy here). I’ll take another video and try to post it. Anyway, my five minutes is almost up, and I’ve yet to tell you about why you’re jealous.
Also, it’s important that I go over my five minutes because this is about supporting all humans as humans, because humans are awesome. (ok errr, there are some humans that are less than awesome but not the humans I’m dining with Saturday!)
I’m having dinner with an Avenger Saturday. Who is most probably a Good Human, as he supports Down Syndrome awareness.
Which also ties into Halloween. Stay with me. Many of you *know* my friend Mardra. Her son Marcus wrote the Halloween book Black Day. If you’ve never read it, you should get a copy now – it’s amazing and one of Tucker’s favorite books EVER.
Here’s a handy link so you can get your very own:
Anyway, Mardra and Marcus are coming to Colorado to attend this amazing event – Be Beautiful, Be Yourself to support Down Syndrome research. Marcus is modeling for it and Robert and I are going!
As in, we’ll shower, dress in our finest, and have dinner with Marcus and a bunch of other amazing people. Including (ah-hem), an Avenger! Hawkeye.
Yup. Of course, even though I’ve seen all of the Avenger movies, I didn’t realize who this guy was until my friend Sara told me. She’s good at the knowing who people are thing. And, apparently, can ride a unicycle. I’ve never seen her ride one, but she says she can and she’s been pretty honest with me over the past 30 years, as far as I know.
I digress. I’m sorry you’re jealous, but not sorry that I get to see Mardra and Marcus again, and dine with a for-real superhero. Also, Jamie Foxx. And Colin Ferrell. The good news is that I suck at names and knowing things, so I’ll probably be super-cool when I actually meet them, thinking they’re regular-variety good humans like I mostly am, until later when Mardra tells me in the bathroom that it was somebody famous whose plate I defiled by taking the last jalapeno popper from (because surely fancy galas like this will have poppers, right?).*
*Mardra, kidding. I can mostly behave myself in public.
PS – We should all be beautiful, and be ourselves. Always. Jalapeno popper loving, back-fat in gala dress and all.
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, where Kenya Johnson of Sporadically Yours and I host a prompt. This week’s is a five-minute stream-of-consciousness post on Halloween.
by Kristi Campbell
Janine Huldie - I absolutely love your Halloween decorations. Like you I never thought we’d be those people either. But can’t help love decorating for a Halloween, as well. As for the dinner, it sounds truly awesome and hope you have so much fun there that evening now 😉October 18, 2018 – 8:08 pm
Kristi Campbell - LOL to never being those people but accepting who we become. Here’s to Halloween awesomeness. Thanks – hopefully I won’t totally embarrass myself with the dinner. I’m so clueless about well-known people. But maybe that’s good.October 18, 2018 – 8:19 pm
JT Walters - Dude, you and R always go crazy for Halloween and hell yes, I’m jealous. Well maybe not jealous but I think it is super awesome you and R are networking with Jamie Fox and Colin Farrell. Maybe we are all superheroes in our own way and just fon’t know it?
You and I’d never know because we are super hard on ourselves!!
Be yourself and it will be awesome!!October 18, 2018 – 8:19 pm
Kristi Campbell - Well, R has not much to do with it. In fact, pretty much nothing. It’s Tux and I that go cray cray with the decorations! Dinner tomorrow will be awesome I think. It’s a lot of work to get there, but I’m really excited. And also? You bet your ass we’re all superheroes.October 19, 2018 – 11:06 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - That is sweet that Marcus’ book is Tucker’s favorite EVER.
I was sipping coffee when I read that Nugget might get a costume. I was fine and then you wrote I know and Gross and I have to laugh in my throat.
I started to take a picture of a neighbor house fully decked in Halloween stuff with a tarp on their roof from the hurricane.October 19, 2018 – 6:43 am
Kristi Campbell - Yeah, he really loves that book. It’s a good one. Too bad Christopher is probably too old for it. LOL to laughing at me realizing how gross it is that I’ve thought about getting Nugget a costume, but also (!) have you seen those cute dog costumes?? They’re hilarious. And totally gross. WOW to your neighbor getting all decked out for Halloween even with the clean-up. Now that’s impressive.October 19, 2018 – 11:09 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - I have seen doggie costumes and they are adorable. Have you seen the facebook video of the one in the elephant costume?October 26, 2018 – 10:23 am
Angel the Alien - Your house looks spooky! So far all I have is a giant black cat I made out of poster board and taped to my front door. I’ve been out of town this weekend, so I’m hoping he will still be taped to the front door when I get back!October 20, 2018 – 11:17 pm
Kristi Campbell - It’s totally spooky but we do keep all of the motion sensored things on “DEMO MODE” because I don’t want to scare any kids. So they have to click “try me” button to hear the scary voices/ see the lights. Was your poster board cat still there? I’m late in seeing this so please tell! xoOctober 22, 2018 – 10:29 pm
Allie Smith - The outside of your house looks cool (aside from the creepy:). I hope you enjoy your first holiday in your new home! xoxoOctober 21, 2018 – 2:06 pm
Kristi Campbell - OMG this house is too cool for us. I hope we don’t have to go back in three years. But in the meantime, it’s WAY too big for us so COME VISIT ON A ROADTRIP!! (Please?)October 22, 2018 – 10:30 pm
Lizzi - Did you meet Hawkeye? He’s awesome! I do love the Avengers!!!October 22, 2018 – 2:23 pm
Kristi Campbell - The Avengers are ROCKING and “meet” would be pushing it but we touched and he was like three feet away. DID meet Colin Farrell though. He put his arm around me for a photo. I’ll take it.October 22, 2018 – 10:32 pm
Dana - I have not done one thing for Halloween! I’m a loser, although I did buy candy.
You met Colin Farrell? Was he nice? Oh, btw, Colorado is one of the places we are considering going to for vacation this summer…October 25, 2018 – 5:22 pm