Years ago, when Chief and I found one another, he was about 18 months old and fully trained. The story the guy at the shelter told me was that he was a pure-bread white German Shepherd that’d gone through an extensive obedience program. According to him, as Chief got older, he was less white and more tan, and the people wanted a white dog so they gave him up. I find this hard to believe because he was seriously the coolest dog I’ve ever known but, well, people are weird…so maybe it’s true. \_(ツ)_/¯
Plus, their loss was my gain, and I’ll forever be grateful for finding a rescue dog who rescued me, too.
But this isn’t a story about Chief.
A Boy And His Dog: A Love Story
One of the things we promised Tucker to make our move from Virginia to Colorado easier (because it pretty much sucked) was that once we got here, we’d get him a dog. I was thinking another rescue dog, preferably house-broken. We visited the Pikes Peak Humane Society and then one of the adoption events at a chain pet store.
While Tucker wanted just about every dog we met, the right one wasn’t at either of these. We looked online, and talked about how awesome German Shepherds are, but how it might be nice to have a smaller, non-shedding dog. Smaller dogs = smaller poops, etc.
A week ago Sunday, I found out the Humane Society was having an adoption event at a vegan festival downtown, and off we went. There was this reddish dog with green eyes who was about two, and I was feeling sold-ish on him until the woman who’d been fostering him asked Tucker whether he’d be the one to walk him.
“Well, yes,” we said.
“This probably isn’t the dog for you then,” she said, and explained that he was very difficult to walk, and that he’d likely push over a fence.
We’d seen three puppies when we came in but everybody at the festival was hogging them, and I figured they were probably spoken for. They were three sisters who’d come up from Mexico and been spayed two days earlier. We shoved our way into the group that was ogling them, and found out nobody’d yet adopted them.
OMG is there anything cuter than how a puppy sits all floppy-like???
We started playing with the one they called Angel, and Tucker and Robert were totally in love. “Of the three sisters, she’s the calmest,” the Humane Society woman said.
“Sold!” Robert said.
“We get to keep her?” Tucker asked. “Forever?”
“I love her. Her name’s Nugget,” he said.*
And so it is.
I know it’s “Share a photo and the story behind it” but PUPPY! One photo just won’t do!

Apparently, two photos isn’t enough, either. But you have to see the little pink marks on her nose! EEEP!
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week, we do Photo Share Friday, where you share one photo (or more ah hem) and the story behind it. Kenya Johnson of Sporadically Yours and I host each week. Join us!
P.S. Ok, you didn’t think three photos was enough, did you? I didn’t. I mean this is A Boy And His Dog: A Love Story, and there are no photos of the boy with the dog. Plus, Tucker was sick on Sunday and Monday with a fever. He was pretty couch-bound and this time? I didn’t have to sit next to him the entire time because look:
*There was some debate over her name. Tucker and I were set on Nugget, but Robert thought it should be more girlie, or more Australian (she’s part Australian Shepherd). The comments on Facebook are, um, enlightening…
Ok, NOW you can link up. 🙂
by Kristi Campbell
Kenya G. Johnson - I’m so glad you shared Nugget here. I meant to bug you for more pictures but I got sidetracked. Also I love the name and I’m glad he went with the first one that came to mind. So cute. And awww, you have a “sit by” replacement. Soooooo sweet!September 27, 2018 – 8:04 pm
Kristi Campbell - They are soooo adorable together and thank you!September 29, 2018 – 11:24 am
Emily - OMG – I love her! So happy for you all – dogs are the best!September 28, 2018 – 7:40 am
Kristi Campbell - Thank you! We’re totally loving her!September 29, 2018 – 11:24 am
Janet Ochs - How cute! I’m glad he found a new buddy.September 28, 2018 – 1:18 pm
Kristi Campbell - Me too! Thank you!September 29, 2018 – 11:25 am
Lisa @ The\ - I love it. <3September 29, 2018 – 12:17 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks, Lisa!September 29, 2018 – 11:25 am
Dana - I’m so excited for all of you, and so happy for Nugget or whatever her name is. You know I’m partial to a rescue dog 🙂September 29, 2018 – 3:10 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thank you and rescue dogs are THE BEST.October 1, 2018 – 7:12 pm
Kerry - Love the name. I love it, for girl or boy. Good choice Tucker! Hope you have many happy, fun-filled years with her. Congratulations!September 29, 2018 – 11:04 pm
Kristi Campbell - Thank you! I love her name too. We walk to school now and it’s so cute that all the kids know Nugget. Good for her, too.October 1, 2018 – 7:13 pm
Allie - Nugget is so cute! You’re not going to believe this, but at 15 or so years of holding the children off, we are finally getting a dog, like I think this weekend. I am so scared. I’m allergic, so I need a hypo-allergenic /non-shedding dog. We’re going to try the rescue route, which makes us nervous because you really don’t know, 100%, what type of dog it is. I’m also NOT looking forward to the poop….October 1, 2018 – 7:03 am
Kristi Campbell - OH WOW! YAY for you – you must share photos when you get one! I’m a little allergic but in the past, I can acclimate to one dog. Cats? Out of the question, and I can’t even breathe with them in the house but usually, I can get by with dogs although I occasionally have to medicate. We had to give Tucker’s guinea pig away because I was so allergic to her. Weird what sets us off and what we can grow tolerant to (in allergies and life too I suppose). LOL to not looking forward to the poop. Share photos. Of the dog, not the poop.October 1, 2018 – 7:21 pm
Christine Carter - AW!!! NUGGET!! She is just so PRECIOUS and I love love love LOVE all those pictures, but especially that sweet little puppy curled up cuddling on Tucker. OH my heart.
I’m SO excited you found the perfect pup for him and for your family!October 1, 2018 – 7:55 am
Kristi Campbell - Me, too, Chris!! Thank you thank you!!! I love them together. They’re on the floor snuggling right NOW.October 1, 2018 – 7:22 pm
Sarah E Balding - Oh my goodness! You can’t just go around posting adorable pictures like this. My husband is going to come home one of these days, and I’m going to have an adorable dog and cat, rental agreement be damned. XD But for now, I’m just going to squee in delight over these wonderful pictures of your son and his cute little Nugget. I LOVE the name. This brings back so many memories of my childhood dog Ooga who I had from when I was 6 until I turned 21. I can’t wait to see what memories Tucker has with his dog! <3October 1, 2018 – 11:22 am
Kristi Campbell - Aw!!! Ooga is a GREAT name for a dog too! And I love love the name Nugget as well. It’s so cute at school drop off and pick up (we walk). SO many kids are like “Mom, that’s Nugget! Isn’t that the best name/coolest dog/etc” and I feel like in addition to a wonderful companion, we’ve given him street cred at school for having the adorbs puppy. 🙂October 1, 2018 – 7:25 pm
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about! ThanksDecember 3, 2018 – 7:41 pm