Finding Ninee » Sharing our parenting and special needs stories with heart and humor.

Although we’re familiar with the expression “there are no dumb ideas,” let’s face it. There are extremely stupid ideas, some of which lead to death. Most of those start with somebody saying “Come on! It’ll be fun!” And then they end up in the newspaper and people share their ideas on social media and give […]

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  • Kenya - I would have read an old one again 😉 Headed over now…November 29, 2018 – 7:40 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I know you would have but also there’s a certain challenge in finding one you didn’t see right?December 1, 2018 – 10:05 pmReplyCancel

  • JT Walters - Please tell Tucker that most innovations in Science have been by coincidence. Penicillin was initially made to kill disease. It occurred by accident. One failed experiment leads to a new discovery. Bravo Tux for using your imagination…education has killed it off in most kids his age and bravo to you and R for encouraging his experiments. We actually learn a lot more from failure than success. Momma he is learning threw his failures. Most parents do not have the time, patiences or money to allow their children to experiment yet this is critical to their learning.

    Damn good job!! And he will one day make a discovery through a failed endeavor.

    My youngest brother I practically raised. My Mom paid the rent but other than that he was mine. As a kid he wanted to design games. I encouraged him and even helped him write letters to hasbro and Mattel. They rejected him but I told him to keep designing. I went off to college when, he as I did at his age, was starting his first novel. His novel failed but he had world built to the point his board game, based on his novel, was as good as D&D. Today he owns a publishing house where he publishes his own games and other people’s games. Then he spends his life flying from city to city. From one game convention to another selling his games and promoting the games he publishes. Amazingly, he makes a living at it. But it took him failing as a game designer and novelist in order to learn from those failures to make a success and he also was smart enough in business to understand he had to own a publishing house.

    All failures lead to success.😊. Tux is on his way to success.November 29, 2018 – 8:43 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - I don’t think I ever saw this post…I always love your drawings – they make me laugh! Oh and the pet rock…wow, now that’s nostalgic!November 30, 2018 – 12:16 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - LOL I’m glad it was new to you. I wish I still felt the passion for doing the drawings that I once did. Maybe I’ll get it back…December 1, 2018 – 10:07 pmReplyCancel

  • Dana - I loved those mix tape posts! I can’t remember if I read yours, but even if I did I probably don’t remember. Off to read and see if I made a dorky comment.November 30, 2018 – 2:48 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - HA to the dorky comment. I miss the days of the mix tapes and the way blogging felt in general back then. It seemed easier or more fun or something.December 1, 2018 – 10:08 pmReplyCancel

Thanksgiving feels early this year but I’m most likely just behind. Sometimes, you can hear time passing in calendar pages flipping, a clock’s hands ticking, and the tearing of package wrappings containing new face creams that come in the mail promising to combat wrinkles. Although I lament my wrinkles and my ugly-yet-perfect-body, I’m thankful for […]

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  • Kenya G. Johnson - They are so cute together. Wow Nugget is growing fast. How big will she get? The lonely part tugged my heart. I’m glad Nugget has filled an empty space.

    I heard a perspective from someone much older than us about time passing by and i never heard anyone have an explanation for it. It made me kind of sad. He said when you get older the time starts passing fast because you start looking at life like an hour glass, seeing how much time you have left rather that seeing that you have a whole lifetime ahead of you. :’-( Waaaaaaa. He’s been sick this year so I guess that perspective became crystal clear.November 16, 2018 – 4:40 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - She’s growing too fast! I hope she stops soon actually. I’ve always liked big dogs but I’m loving her size now. When we got her, she was 8 pounds and now she’s almost 25 at 18 weeks. Gah. It’s like kids, I guess. We can’t stop the time. Awww to your friend and his explanation of the hourglass. I think it’s partly or mostly true. I used to think I’d live forever or want to die young or whatever and now I just want to have a LOT of years with Tucker’s kids when he has them. Morbid and totally sad. Being sick does a lot for perspective. Or losing somebody. Sigh. Here’s to being super old!November 16, 2018 – 9:14 pmReplyCancel

  • Lizzi - Ohhh he’s such a cutie with the lolly sticks! What wonderful thoughts. I love that he’s learning to be thankful out loud, and with consideration.

    YAY for T and Nugget both enjoying the snow 🙂 Hope it goes soon!!!November 16, 2018 – 12:26 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - He’s amazing with the popsicle sticks! I love them and they make me remember what’s important too. YAY to them enjoying the snow. It’s almost all the way gone, and warm today. We’ll see what happens next.November 16, 2018 – 9:15 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - Love those popsicle sticks! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!November 16, 2018 – 3:52 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I love them too! And happy happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Emily! I hope it’s an amazing one for each of you. <3November 16, 2018 – 9:16 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerry - I love those things. They are so handy for so many things. We used to make crosses with them in Sunday School and coasters at summer camp.

    Boy with his dog. Nothing better, but add some snow and it is the prettiest of pictures.

    I hope you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving Kristi.November 17, 2018 – 2:15 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - They really are cool aren’t they? Thank you for the happy Thanksgiving wishes! I need to find a recipe for stuffing that isn’t too dry as that’s the dish I’m supposed to bring. I’ve only ever made it using the box kind.November 19, 2018 – 5:30 pmReplyCancel

  • Debi - We used to trace our hands and cut them out of construction paper, then write what we were thankful for on them and hang them on a big construction paper tree on our dining room wall. Now we have “real art” there, and I miss the messy years of our “thankful tree.” Hold on to those popsicle sticks, mama!November 19, 2018 – 2:07 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Oh too cute! I hope you saved the thankful tree or at least took a photo of it. I of course have too much of that saved stuff so shouldn’t talk but it’s hard to not miss it! I’ll definitely keep the popsicle sticks! 🙂November 19, 2018 – 5:31 pmReplyCancel

  • Kristi - It’s a FTSF and a TToT all rolled into one! I hope you consider linking this up to the TToT. 🙂

    The popsicle sticks are great. Mondays are like that, aren’t they?November 25, 2018 – 8:49 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I definitely will link up! I was actually going to ask you if you all wanted to combine this week but Kenya is super busy and wasn’t confident about commenting extra but I’ll link up! 🙂 LOL to Mondays!November 27, 2018 – 7:33 amReplyCancel

I’m in the time-warp stage of looking forward and looking back. I miss Tucker’s younger years, while I’m amazed by him daily. Hourly, sometimes. I miss his tiny cuteness and innocence, although he’s still innocent for a nine-year-old. “I think the youngest I should marry is 29,” he says. “That’s a good idea,” I reply. […]

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  • Emily - Sounds like you have a lot of great things happening soon…Big Dude would be super jealous of your epic ski pass. He just bought 3 different season passes to mountains in VT near his college and he is literally counting the days for ski season to start. And speaking of dudes, 4th grade was also a difficult homework/school year for Big Dude. I think there’s just an academic “jump” from 3rd to 4th that seems bigger. I hope as the year progresses that he becomes more acclimated to the homework demands, etc. Oh and as for the TV, it cracks me up because it’s definitely such a guy thing…they just LOVE their big TVs!November 8, 2018 – 8:10 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I was so ready to buy just one season pass, but was happy that the neighbors told me about the Epic pass. They’re normally SUPER CRAZY expensive but the military discount was amazing. I can’t believe I didn’t know about all this before. I think maybe because I met Robert after he was retired and am not used to asking for it as a typical military wife. Gah, There are SO MANY deals we’ve missed out on for forever. At least we know now.
      LOL to the TV. So does that mean you agree with me?? Too gig??? Also I hate homework.November 8, 2018 – 9:29 pmReplyCancel

  • Lizzi - Um, that TV is ENORMOUS and looks cramped and squished!! I am sure R and his other men would much prefer it centred in its own wall in a basement somewhere they can really relax and enjoy. Also, why ISN’T it centred? Over anything? It would be driving me crazy…but we have a fireplace where the entire hole in the chimney breast is off centre and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it, so…ugh!

    Here’s to greater tomorrow’s. Enjoy skiing!November 9, 2018 – 12:17 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - GAH it is TOO DAMN BIG. I want it in the basement. It’ll happen. It’s not centered for a bunch of reasons. Mostly because it’s too f@cking big for the space it’s in LOL. The not-centered doesn’t drive me as crazy as that it’s too damn big for that space. And it’d be such a pretty space without it! Well, with a smaller one above it or whatever.November 9, 2018 – 8:06 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - #9 is awesome and I hope he makes it all the way to Christmas day believing. I’m excited for you that you don’t have travel. I know what that means. And while it’s part exciting it’s expensive and tiring, and then you gotta get back home.

    You are right! That’s a basement or somewhere else tv. He’s taking away the intimacy of the fireplace, especially for decorating! Someone came in our house and had Jay wanting to get a tv mounted on the wall. Fortunately we have a big ole custom made entertainment center we got in Japan and that’s where the tv has to go. Our fireplace has a clock above it. Oh Robert. You gotta let Kristi have this one. Dude that’s too big.

    As I think of any other military discounts I’ll let you know. Do you ask when you go shopping? Like Old Navy, Shoe Carnival, Rack Room….

    Me too on what’s next.November 9, 2018 – 4:07 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks! I think he’ll make it until Christmas believing. He’s completely convinced. Like, there’s not even a little doubt there. But you’re right – I hope nobody at school messes it up for him. If they do, I wouldn’t feel good about lying anymore. Sigh. YES it’s so a basement TV!!! Or somewhere! Basement though. It’s wayyyyy too big.
      So we’ve recently asked more about military discounts. I just never knew there were so many online. I think it’s because we weren’t together when he was active duty so I missed out on a bunch of base wife talk or something. And Old Navy?? Really???? We have a deal at Lowes, but I didn’t think about clothing. Good thing is that this is more a military town (go figure, from the DC-area) so a lot of places ask “Do you have a military ID?” to remind me that there are such great deals!November 9, 2018 – 8:09 pmReplyCancel

  • Christine Carter - Ah, SO many things to look forward to! I love that you will finally wake up in your home and host Christmas this year! What a wonderful new thing to enjoy.

    And gosh, bless Tucker’s heart. You are such a good mama to help him through such challenging school work. I wish you had more help too, sweetie.

    And ski passes? YES! Oh my gosh, that will be SO FUN FOR ALL OF YOU!!

    And yes, the tv is HUGE. BUT- what fun to watch alltheshows together on it! 🙂November 11, 2018 – 8:36 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I can’t wait to have people for Christmas either, Chris! So much fun. Tucker’s school year is HARD. Sigh. YAY for skiing, and watching alltheshows. <3November 12, 2018 – 2:38 pmReplyCancel

My footsteps crunch in the snow, causing the only noise around. I breathe in. Out. Find myself standing on and of the earth, aware of my smallness and greatness. I stand taller, my shoulders more relaxed. “This is what I meant,” I said. Nobody but the puppy was there to witness. As the days grow […]

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  • Kenya G. Johnson - This mid term election feels like playing the lottery except if you early voted the in-between time before the results is longer. But in the in between time there’s mountain high hopes of (what you would do with the money) or mountain high hopes of what the results could mean for the country. I hope we’re not all “sick” next Wednesday. We need a big break!

    I know what you mean about not being able to explain the air. On Wednesday we had a beautiful day here. And after all these years of “weathering” I knew what people meant by 78 degrees being nice. It was only 37% humidity that day and it WAS nice! The next day the same temp was not so nice and more normal for us at 88% humidity. Yuck. I had to I had to close the windows and turn on the air.November 2, 2018 – 8:43 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - I so hope we’re not all sick next Wednesday too! Here’s hoping. I feel like our country has gone backwards. Maybe some compassion in the government will help turn it back around.
      I can’t believe it’s still almost 80 degrees there and you’re so right – the amount of humidity has TONS to do with it feeling nice or not. I’ve found that’s true with the cold too – it’s more tolerable when it’s not so humid.November 2, 2018 – 4:46 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerry - I love what you say about the air and I agree. I love living where I do in Ontario, for the way the air changes in weight and scent and temperature through all four seasons. I loved it in Yukon and out east just last month. Well done in your descriptions, like the sea.

    I cannot vote, of course, living in Canada. I just cross my fingers and my toes and hope things turn around, starting on November 6th. Your contry needs it and so do the rest of us.

    I miss October already, but I love the cool air as winter approaches.November 3, 2018 – 10:53 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Today’s the day! I voted and have my fingers crossed. I’m nervous. I love the cool air as winter approaches but am with you completely on missing October.November 6, 2018 – 4:35 pmReplyCancel

  • Angel the Alien - My cousin has a dog named Nugget! He is an odd dog. She used to take him for walks in the woods, and after a while he was acting like his ears hurt all the time, so she took him to the vet. It turned out that he’d gotten some grass seed in his ears, and it had rooted down and started growing. His ears hurt because he was literally growing grass in them! Of course the name of your new puppy is my favorite thing about your blog entry… the rest of it is very important, but… you know… puppies.November 10, 2018 – 3:29 amReplyCancel

  • Christine Carter - Oh, friend, this is so beautiful, so true, so powerful.November 11, 2018 – 7:58 amReplyCancel

There’s ugliness in the world. Ugliness in people; those who turn their backs on and mistreat others seeking asylum from violence and poverty. I grew up learning stories of America’s greatness – our New World stood for freedom. A melting pot of cultures and language. A place where anybody could grow up to be anything. […]

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  • Kenya G. Johnson - Awww that’s wonderful. You didn’t brag enough! I wanted more. I’m glad you and Robert were able to go. I clicked over, the picture with John McGinley and the girls was too cute. And OMG to Von Miller’s outfit. I was expecting to see that for $35K LOL! I’m glad you had a nice time. Your post was a definite pick me up – a bright spot in the ugliness. I hope the feeling last a while.October 26, 2018 – 10:34 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Thanks for saying I didn’t brag enough. There’s a weird braggy line between explaining how awesome the night was and being like “nanananan nana,” ya know? The picture with John McGinley and the girls. So sweet. And LOL to Vong Miller’s outfit. I think another Bronco bought it – probably to tease him forever. Or maybe my bland fashion choices are just bland? Still, the fact that Jamie Foxx (!!!!!!) was the one to say “Hey let’s look at what Von Miller’s wearing and bid on this!” was so spur-of-the moment cool and maybe also says lol that he thought it was pretty out there too! 🙂 I’m glad it was a pick me up and I think the feeling will last for a bit. The world definitely feels bigger with hope and humans being nice to each other.October 26, 2018 – 9:34 pmReplyCancel

  • Emily - Oh wow — that sounds and looks like such an amazing evening! I would have been pretty awe struck with all the celebrities, but the way you describe the people with Downs Syndrome walking down the runway with celebrities — I think I would have been tearing up the whole time. Thanks for sharing your experience — so glad you were able to go!October 26, 2018 – 11:44 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Emily, it was one of the best things I’ve ever been to in forever. I was definitely tearing up — and the thing about the celebrities is that they all were just people, talking about Down Syndrome, or how people with special needs had changed them/ inspired them… they just were moms and dads and aunts and uncles and awesome people. I mean still, for the photo with Colin Farrell, I was like OMG OMG OMG OMG. Because OMG. I was iPhone stalking Jeremy Renner at dinner (but another woman at our table thought to get his nametag after he left and I was all DOH I should have thought of that!). 🙂October 26, 2018 – 9:37 pmReplyCancel

  • Dana - What a fabulous evening! Thanks for sharing it with us. P.S. I clicked to see the pic of you and Robert – you do look happy but you do not look old. A smile takes at least 20 years off, I think.October 26, 2018 – 12:53 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Aw thanks, Dana! We do look old but I think that’s okay. The smiles in photos from 13 years ago took 20 years off too I guess! So we’re basically 11 when we met 😉October 26, 2018 – 9:38 pmReplyCancel

  • TD - That sounds like an amazing evening. It’s depressingly easy to let the news cycle drain your faith in humanity. I can’t deny that I have little faith in people. It’s sad that an event like this is the exception to the rule.October 27, 2018 – 11:19 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - It’s hard to have faith in people when you read the news. I mean seriously. Sigh. But this night? It really was magical. <3October 30, 2018 – 9:40 amReplyCancel

  • Lizzi - It really does sound like an AMAZING evening. What a wonderful event to be part of. So glad it felt restoring the faith for you xOctober 28, 2018 – 2:59 amReplyCancel

  • Linda Atwell - This. Is. So. Awesome. I’m thrilled for you and Robert…and this organization and the models….it all sounds BEYOND wonderful.What an incredible experience. Jumping up and down for joy right now. 🙂October 30, 2018 – 3:24 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - It really was awesome, Linda. A beautiful evening for sure and so inspiring and feel-good. Thank you!November 2, 2018 – 3:40 pmReplyCancel

  • Christine Carter - Well hot damn, this is AMAZING!!! OMG CELEBRITIES!! AND GORGEOUS CELEBRITY MEN!!

    Okay, now that I got that out of the way, the REAL exciting part is the incredible gift of people with Down’s… and the people who love them and support them too. This event sounds absolutely amazing. What an AWESOME opportunity you had to go, Kristi! Just so cool- ALL of it.

    And you look GORGEOUS.

    And who on earth can afford to bid there?

    Oh yeah, CELEBRITIES!! 🙂October 31, 2018 – 5:02 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - OMGGGGG it was SOOOOOO amazing, Chris! Unbelievable! Inspiring, uplifting, beautiful. It was a happy and magical night for sure. Thank you! xoxoNovember 2, 2018 – 3:40 pmReplyCancel

  • Yvonne Spence - This was lovely to read. So glad you had such a great time!November 3, 2018 – 3:23 amReplyCancel

I used to think people who totally geeked out over Halloween were weird, but I’ve become one of them. I’m not sure exactly when it happened. Maybe in my 20’s when my friends and I dressed in group costumes and went to parties? Strengthened again once I had a baby to dress up? Or when […]

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  • Janine Huldie - I absolutely love your Halloween decorations. Like you I never thought we’d be those people either. But can’t help love decorating for a Halloween, as well. As for the dinner, it sounds truly awesome and hope you have so much fun there that evening now 😉October 18, 2018 – 8:08 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - LOL to never being those people but accepting who we become. Here’s to Halloween awesomeness. Thanks – hopefully I won’t totally embarrass myself with the dinner. I’m so clueless about well-known people. But maybe that’s good.October 18, 2018 – 8:19 pmReplyCancel

  • JT Walters - Dude, you and R always go crazy for Halloween and hell yes, I’m jealous. Well maybe not jealous but I think it is super awesome you and R are networking with Jamie Fox and Colin Farrell. Maybe we are all superheroes in our own way and just fon’t know it?

    You and I’d never know because we are super hard on ourselves!!

    Be yourself and it will be awesome!!October 18, 2018 – 8:19 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Well, R has not much to do with it. In fact, pretty much nothing. It’s Tux and I that go cray cray with the decorations! Dinner tomorrow will be awesome I think. It’s a lot of work to get there, but I’m really excited. And also? You bet your ass we’re all superheroes.October 19, 2018 – 11:06 pmReplyCancel

  • Kenya G. Johnson - That is sweet that Marcus’ book is Tucker’s favorite EVER.

    I was sipping coffee when I read that Nugget might get a costume. I was fine and then you wrote I know and Gross and I have to laugh in my throat.

    I started to take a picture of a neighbor house fully decked in Halloween stuff with a tarp on their roof from the hurricane.October 19, 2018 – 6:43 amReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - Yeah, he really loves that book. It’s a good one. Too bad Christopher is probably too old for it. LOL to laughing at me realizing how gross it is that I’ve thought about getting Nugget a costume, but also (!) have you seen those cute dog costumes?? They’re hilarious. And totally gross. WOW to your neighbor getting all decked out for Halloween even with the clean-up. Now that’s impressive.October 19, 2018 – 11:09 pmReplyCancel

      • Kenya G. Johnson - I have seen doggie costumes and they are adorable. Have you seen the facebook video of the one in the elephant costume?October 26, 2018 – 10:23 amReplyCancel

  • Angel the Alien - Your house looks spooky! So far all I have is a giant black cat I made out of poster board and taped to my front door. I’ve been out of town this weekend, so I’m hoping he will still be taped to the front door when I get back!October 20, 2018 – 11:17 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - It’s totally spooky but we do keep all of the motion sensored things on “DEMO MODE” because I don’t want to scare any kids. So they have to click “try me” button to hear the scary voices/ see the lights. Was your poster board cat still there? I’m late in seeing this so please tell! xoOctober 22, 2018 – 10:29 pmReplyCancel

  • Allie Smith - The outside of your house looks cool (aside from the creepy:). I hope you enjoy your first holiday in your new home! xoxoOctober 21, 2018 – 2:06 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - OMG this house is too cool for us. I hope we don’t have to go back in three years. But in the meantime, it’s WAY too big for us so COME VISIT ON A ROADTRIP!! (Please?)October 22, 2018 – 10:30 pmReplyCancel

  • Lizzi - Did you meet Hawkeye? He’s awesome! I do love the Avengers!!!October 22, 2018 – 2:23 pmReplyCancel

    • Kristi Campbell - The Avengers are ROCKING and “meet” would be pushing it but we touched and he was like three feet away. DID meet Colin Farrell though. He put his arm around me for a photo. I’ll take it.October 22, 2018 – 10:32 pmReplyCancel

  • Dana - I have not done one thing for Halloween! I’m a loser, although I did buy candy.

    You met Colin Farrell? Was he nice? Oh, btw, Colorado is one of the places we are considering going to for vacation this summer…October 25, 2018 – 5:22 pmReplyCancel

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