I truly am working on two halfway decent posts. Sadly though, I’m really really slow, kind of dumb, extremely unorganized and crazy busy preparing for Christmas and getting ready to visit Colorado for the holidays. Yup, boy and his parents are getting on a plane. It could be really fun. It could suck ass (the […]
by Kristi Campbell
Courtney - Have a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy your plane ride, I have been on MANY with my kiddos. Some have been Heaven, and others, well, you know. Good luck! I can’t wait to read about your trip!December 22, 2012 – 10:10 pm
admin - Thanks so much, Courtney! I’m really hoping for the good plane ride…we’ve had airport visits that are so much fun because Tucker’s into watching the planes. And we’ve had ones where our fellow passengers want to kill us and look at us like we’re the worst parents in the world for not being able to control our crazy monkey…
Merry Christmas to you, too! I can’t wait to see what you all do with your family. And you BETTER post photos. By the way, you’ve convinced me to go for the “big girl camera” as you put it. But my first stop is to find out whether my dad has one that he’s not using due to an upgrade. Wish me luck. And thanks for the advice! <3 Happy happy to you and yours!December 22, 2012 – 10:53 pm
Joy - Happy Holidays to you and your family! Hope you have a good and safe trip! Enjoy your days with family! Take care!
JoyDecember 23, 2012 – 2:18 am
admin - Thanks, Joy! Happy Holidays to you and your family! Will you travel to your hometown? Enjoy your time with Sunny <3
KristiDecember 23, 2012 – 10:22 am
Joy - Hi Kristi,
No, this year my parents will come and visit us while my sister and her family visit my brother-in-law´’s parents. Can’t wait to meet my parents tomorrow! 🙂
JoyDecember 23, 2012 – 1:40 pm
admin - How fun that your parents are coming tomorrow! Enjoy!
XODecember 23, 2012 – 5:17 pm