I’m in the time-warp stage of looking forward and looking back. I miss Tucker’s younger years, while I’m amazed by him daily. Hourly, sometimes. I miss his tiny cuteness and innocence, although he’s still innocent for a nine-year-old.
“I think the youngest I should marry is 29,” he says. “That’s a good idea,” I reply.
“And then we’ll have sex to make a baby,” he says.
Ten Things I’m Looking Forward To
10. Tucker, becoming a parent. This feels so foreign and far off (and the sex thing) but I hope and pray I’m here on this earth to meet my baby’s babies. Not so much looking forward to him realizing that people have sex waaaay before they’re ready for a baby though. He’s got the two tied in his mind and has said “when the male pollinates the female.” Gah. At least it’s still technical?
9. For the past few years, we’ve woken up on Christmas morning at home and then gone to Colorado or Tennessee to see family for New Years Eve. This year, we’ll be in our new home on Christmas morning and be in Colorado so we can host Christmas Day dinner. I’m really looking forward to the morning’s joy and excitement and then celebrating with family without having to travel to see them.
Tucker still totally believes in Santa Clause, which I love and also worries me a little bit…
Here’s where the “Who’s right, me or Robert?” comes in…
8. I’m looking forward to the holidays, and having our fireplace on the main level where we’ll hang stockings under the ridiculously large television Robert insists doesn’t look too big for the wall.
7. One day, the too-big television will migrate to the basement, where Robert can watch the Tennessee Vols and I can have a pretty fireplace mantle that doesn’t have a gigantic television inches above it. My dad and my brothers are on Robert’s side. I blame this on their maleness, but am open to your thoughts.
Tell me – am I wrong? Is it just lovely or a monstrosity that is way too large for this particular wall?
Maybe we should center it over the whole mantle? Wait. It’s going downstairs after you tell me I’m right.
6. Turns out, I’ve been clueless on how many great deals there are for military and retired military families. Luckily, the people who live behind us (who also moved here over the summer from less than a mile away from where we lived in Virginia <– small world moments are always worth mentioning) are wise and know about these deals.
I ended up getting Epic Ski passes for each of us for less than some resorts cost for a single day (!!!). I haven’t been skiing in more than 20 years but I’m more excited than afraid. Sharing the fun of skiing with Tucker is going to be amazing. There’s no snow like Colorado snow and sun.
It might take us a couple days to look this cool.
5. Having a president who acts like a compassionate, wise adult. It’ll happen again. I have to believe this.
4. One day, Tucker will do his homework more independently (please please let this be the truth). Maybe even without tears. He gets overwhelmed when he has a lot to do, or if he gets something wrong. He’s too hard on himself. I hope we figure out how to make it easier on all of us. Fourth grade is hard, my friends! I’ve had to Google some of the math.
I don’t know if it’s fourth grade, the fact Colorado does ridiculous common core math, or that he has less support, but this has been the most difficult homework/school year yet.
I’m looking forward to maybe, possibly, understanding fourth grade math one day. Or finding the grace to be okay with the fact I’m not smarter than a fourth grader.
3. Tucker’s off the entire week of Thanksgiving, and in anticipation of hearing “I’m bored” a bazillion times, we’re spending a night at Great Wolf Lodge. The water slides are intense and a blast even though I’m too much of a chicken to go down the one you stand in while waiting for the bottom to drop out.
2. A lovely friend from Virginia is coming out for a visit this weekend and I can’t wait! It’s going to be cold, so we won’t be doing much hiking, but I’m psyched to show her Colorado and spend time catching up.
1. Most of all, I’m looking forward to what’s next, in all the ways.
What are you looking forward to?
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, where Kenya Johnson of Sporadically Yours and I host a weekly prompt. This week’s is “10 things I’m looking forward to.” Next week’s is a five-minute stream-of-consciousness post on “Thanksgiving/Thankful.”
by Kristi Campbell
Emily - Sounds like you have a lot of great things happening soon…Big Dude would be super jealous of your epic ski pass. He just bought 3 different season passes to mountains in VT near his college and he is literally counting the days for ski season to start. And speaking of dudes, 4th grade was also a difficult homework/school year for Big Dude. I think there’s just an academic “jump” from 3rd to 4th that seems bigger. I hope as the year progresses that he becomes more acclimated to the homework demands, etc. Oh and as for the TV, it cracks me up because it’s definitely such a guy thing…they just LOVE their big TVs!November 8, 2018 – 8:10 pm
Kristi Campbell - I was so ready to buy just one season pass, but was happy that the neighbors told me about the Epic pass. They’re normally SUPER CRAZY expensive but the military discount was amazing. I can’t believe I didn’t know about all this before. I think maybe because I met Robert after he was retired and am not used to asking for it as a typical military wife. Gah, There are SO MANY deals we’ve missed out on for forever. At least we know now.
LOL to the TV. So does that mean you agree with me?? Too gig??? Also I hate homework.November 8, 2018 – 9:29 pm
Lizzi - Um, that TV is ENORMOUS and looks cramped and squished!! I am sure R and his other men would much prefer it centred in its own wall in a basement somewhere they can really relax and enjoy. Also, why ISN’T it centred? Over anything? It would be driving me crazy…but we have a fireplace where the entire hole in the chimney breast is off centre and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it, so…ugh!
Here’s to greater tomorrow’s. Enjoy skiing!November 9, 2018 – 12:17 am
Kristi Campbell - GAH it is TOO DAMN BIG. I want it in the basement. It’ll happen. It’s not centered for a bunch of reasons. Mostly because it’s too f@cking big for the space it’s in LOL. The not-centered doesn’t drive me as crazy as that it’s too damn big for that space. And it’d be such a pretty space without it! Well, with a smaller one above it or whatever.November 9, 2018 – 8:06 pm
Kenya G. Johnson - #9 is awesome and I hope he makes it all the way to Christmas day believing. I’m excited for you that you don’t have travel. I know what that means. And while it’s part exciting it’s expensive and tiring, and then you gotta get back home.
You are right! That’s a basement or somewhere else tv. He’s taking away the intimacy of the fireplace, especially for decorating! Someone came in our house and had Jay wanting to get a tv mounted on the wall. Fortunately we have a big ole custom made entertainment center we got in Japan and that’s where the tv has to go. Our fireplace has a clock above it. Oh Robert. You gotta let Kristi have this one. Dude that’s too big.
As I think of any other military discounts I’ll let you know. Do you ask when you go shopping? Like Old Navy, Shoe Carnival, Rack Room….
Me too on what’s next.November 9, 2018 – 4:07 am
Kristi Campbell - Thanks! I think he’ll make it until Christmas believing. He’s completely convinced. Like, there’s not even a little doubt there. But you’re right – I hope nobody at school messes it up for him. If they do, I wouldn’t feel good about lying anymore. Sigh. YES it’s so a basement TV!!! Or somewhere! Basement though. It’s wayyyyy too big.
So we’ve recently asked more about military discounts. I just never knew there were so many online. I think it’s because we weren’t together when he was active duty so I missed out on a bunch of base wife talk or something. And Old Navy?? Really???? We have a deal at Lowes, but I didn’t think about clothing. Good thing is that this is more a military town (go figure, from the DC-area) so a lot of places ask “Do you have a military ID?” to remind me that there are such great deals!November 9, 2018 – 8:09 pm
Christine Carter - Ah, SO many things to look forward to! I love that you will finally wake up in your home and host Christmas this year! What a wonderful new thing to enjoy.
And gosh, bless Tucker’s heart. You are such a good mama to help him through such challenging school work. I wish you had more help too, sweetie.
And ski passes? YES! Oh my gosh, that will be SO FUN FOR ALL OF YOU!!
And yes, the tv is HUGE. BUT- what fun to watch alltheshows together on it! 🙂November 11, 2018 – 8:36 am
Kristi Campbell - I can’t wait to have people for Christmas either, Chris! So much fun. Tucker’s school year is HARD. Sigh. YAY for skiing, and watching alltheshows. <3November 12, 2018 – 2:38 pm