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What I’m thankful for right this minute

It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed, overtired, overextended and over it.  And that’s why it’s extra important to take a moment and remember what we’re thankful for each week.  Here’s a quick glimpse into the things – both small and big – that I feel particularly thankful for right this minute.

  1. My husband.  Happy Father’s Day, Robert.
  2. Health.  Our next-door neighbor is fighting the hard and terrible fight right now and reminds me every day that we are blessed with our health.
  3. Steve Jobs.  His imagination, his vision, his brilliance and his perseverance.
  4. Last night, I saw the first firefly of the season and can’t wait for them to be fruitful and multiply so that I can remind Tucker of the way they sparkle in the trees like fairy lights.  I’ll keep him up too late to do so and it’ll be worth it.  Magic.
  5. You.
  6. My dad, who stuck by my brothers and I when a sane and rational man may have run far, far away.  Happy Father’s Day, Perekums.
  7. Photos and their ability to transport us and remind us of life’s celebrations, people, moments and days.
  8. Chicken fajitas.
  9. Playgrounds and friends and sandboxes and joy.
  10. My ghetto DIY carwash that continues to bring Tucker smiles and imaginative play.

What are you thankful for today?

I had to come back and add a number 11, because Robert reminded me that True Blood starts back up tonight. Why am I thankful for that? Because I get to look at this again:


Ten Things of Thankful
 Your hosts


  • Kenya G. Johnson - Awww, sweet. As you know because I mentioned before that I grew up to be a fraidy cat, the thought of catching fireflies does excite me until I think about what else is out there lingering in the dark. Actually I don’t see them much here. Maybe it gets TOO hot. I spent my summers in PA as a child and my grandfather had a big field behind his out. They were plentiful then.June 16, 2013 – 12:29 pmReplyCancel

  • Janine Huldie - Wonderful things to indeed be thankful for and so with you on my love of chicken fajitas, too!! But seriously, Happy Father’s Day to your husband today!! 🙂June 16, 2013 – 1:17 pmReplyCancel

  • clark - Excellent List… despite it being a monochromatic idea, the varieties of expressions (or manifesting, as we say ’round the Doctrine) of gratitude for (an equally) wide and yet somehow in-common facets of life that show up here is pretty damn cool

    hey even Hallmark does a thing that is genuinely good… lolJune 16, 2013 – 1:24 pmReplyCancel

  • Kristi - I’m envious of your fireflies; we don’t have them out here. They look so magical!June 16, 2013 – 2:59 pmReplyCancel

  • Lisa Nelson - Thanks for hosting this excellent and fun hop!June 16, 2013 – 3:19 pmReplyCancel

  • Kerri - Love chicken fajitas. I think we should meet for a plate and a margarita.June 16, 2013 – 3:38 pmReplyCancel

  • Considerer - Ohhhh fireflies are gorgeous. I’ve only ever seen two, but held them both and they were stunningly amazing creatures. I’m glad you’re going to show Tucker (and how exciting to get to stay up late with them! What a memory to have)

    I’m so glad you’re thankful for chicken fajitas – that’s what this hop is all about – the big things and the important little ones which make life taste so good.June 16, 2013 – 5:27 pmReplyCancel

  • Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - YOUR DYI GHETTO CAR WASH IS THE BEST! Not only is it creative genius, but you made it WITH A TAMPON BOX!

    (At a girls night out at my house just before Christmas, I had all my friends make angel ornaments out of tampons, which was a tongue-in-cheek craft I found on Pinterest. Good times.)June 16, 2013 – 8:26 pmReplyCancel

  • Dyanne @ I Want Backsies - And it would be even better if I put DIY instead of DYI. I’m such a moron.June 16, 2013 – 8:28 pmReplyCancel

  • christine - It seems every time I turn around, someone I know is being diagnosed with something horrible. I am more and more grateful for the good health of my family ever single day.
    One of my kids was out catching fireflies just last night. So many wonderful memories from when I was young. (And reading these comments, it surprised me that not everyone has seen fireflies. Like a three year old, I forget people live differently from me.)
    I do believe we’ll be having chicken fajitas for dinner tomorrow.June 16, 2013 – 10:56 pmReplyCancel

  • Kristi Campbell - Again, going upside down as Tucker prefers on the comments here).
    I didn’t grow up with fireflies either and perhaps that is why I find them so magical and amazing. Last summer, we kept Tucker up way too late several times to see them lighting up the trees. The window of their brilliance is so short…and beautiful…
    And yeah, the diagnoses are horrible and scary and make health hit home.

    I think it’s freaking awesome that you put DYI because that’s how important that crap is! And I LOVE tampon angels!! LOVE hard.

    They are truly gorgeous. They’re new to me and I adore them. Me saying that about a bug is huge. Last summer, we really enjoyed taking Tucker to see them. I’m looking forward to it again (and you’re right – the staying up late part is the stuff that sticks, right? Those weird spur-of-the-moment moments are the ones I remember as a kid!).June 16, 2013 – 11:14 pmReplyCancel

  • Kristi Campbell - Kerri,
    Come pick me up in your kickass jeep. But know that I had one first (which means I’m jealous as _______). Please hurry.
    Thanks so much for joining!!! We hope you’ll be back.

    You have a great kickass name and I hope so much that you will see amazing firefly action at some point in your life. They are awesome.June 16, 2013 – 11:17 pmReplyCancel

  • Anita@ Losing Austin - We have never ending health issues, but before reading this I was thinking that though they stress me enormously and the financial burden is large, I’m thankful for access to good care. This morning as I did therapy for my back and my son did therapy for his knee, that gratitude was there.June 17, 2013 – 11:49 amReplyCancel

  • Jean - Yep. Shit I want to say more but the movers are moving my couch 🙂June 17, 2013 – 12:38 pmReplyCancel

  • Shay - My family, our health, and jeans that make my butt look good!June 17, 2013 – 4:57 pmReplyCancel

  • nataliedeyoung - This post reminded me I’m thankful that Dexter is starting up soon… 🙂June 18, 2013 – 2:28 pmReplyCancel

  • Jak - Oh Kristi… you and your True Blood Boy Toy crushes 😉 I have yet to see that series. I watched the pilot episode and liked it a lot, but never kept up with it for some reason. I will need to get on it. So behind on multiple series, though.

    I blew by all the comments (no offense) to avoid spoilers >.< I usually enjoy reading them.

    Hope your weekend was a lot of fun!

    I don't ever take many photos. I don't find myself to be very photogenic lol Music, however, works in a very similar fashion for me.

    I'm not sure why, but I've always liked Fireflies. and I like songs, stories, or art depicting them.

    Have to check out the ghetto car wash!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of InkJune 18, 2013 – 8:21 pmReplyCancel

  • Kate - Lots to be thankful for! Love that you included photos because they are so important to me too!June 18, 2013 – 11:15 pmReplyCancel

  • Kim Pugliano - Hot Joe, who took on the world when he took on Noah and I. Everyday he does or says something that makes me think, “Wow, he REALLY does love the two of us.” Plus – He’s Hot Joe. I mean duh. I’m thankful I have him to look at every day.June 20, 2013 – 5:18 pmReplyCancel

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